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Liam's P.O.V
Something jolts and I wake up. "Where am I?" He questioned " you're in my car outside your house" I turned to look at Theo  "um... can you help me inside? My legs still feel weak."
Theo gets out the car,  walks round to the passenger side and opens the door. I then unplug my seatbelt and swings my legs out the door and Theo grabs my arms and slings them over his shoulder, pulling me out of the car. The door swings shut behind us as we hobble up the driveway. As we get to the door I fumbles around nervous trying to get my house keys out of my pocket. Shit why is this so hard.When I finally get them out Theo takes them and our hands brush, I feel a blush travel up my neck burning the tips of my ears "here I got it."

Theo unlocks the door and pushes it open, we limp inside and Theo gently drops me on the sofa. " umm... Theo" " yeah" "do you think maybeyouwillstaywithme?" I rush embarrassed "I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that" Theo says smirking. I feel myself flushing red again " I said do you think maybe you will stay with me" I repeat quietly. Theo smiles and sits down next to me "yeah I think I maybe I will stay with you."

"So Mason told me something about you"

" w-what did he say?"

"He said something about you liking a certain someone"

"I don't know what he's talking about I-i don't like anyone" shitshitshit he knows

"Liam I heard your heartbeat jump and I know it's me that you like. At that I feel my eyes widen and I stutter out, " n-no I-i d-don't like you I-i mean t-that's ridiculous" Theo raised an eyebrow " fine maybe I do, b-but let's just forget about all this because I-i mean you don't like me..." Theo interrupts me by placing a finger over my lips.

"Liam, I-i kinda do"

"Do what?"

"Like you back"

"Oh" I scrunch up my face and look up at Theo.

I met his gaze, but found that he was glancing down, towards my lips, and my stomach became a pit of nerves. Before I could speak, his lips came down to meet mine. His thumb brushed my cheek as he leaned into the kiss, and I subconsciously moved my arms around Theo's neck.

A groan escaped my lips and Theo's tongue slipped into my mouth, we battled for dominance. Theo won, he slipped his hands down to my waist and I tangled my fingers through his hair gently tugging on it.

We broke away breathless. " I've been wanting to do that for so long"

"Me too"

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