The Rescue

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5 minutes later, they all clambered out of Theo's truck. " let's split up" " no Liam it's dangerous" " but we couldn't find her faster and then it wouldn't be dangerous anymore" " fine, you go that way I'll go this way and Mason and Corey go together" " shout me if you need anything Mason I'll hear you" " will do Liam"

After maybe just over an hour of walking endlessly, it started to drop dark the sun was setting and so Liam flashed his eyes yellow so he could see clearer. As he was walking there was a clicking noise, Liam whipped around confused until he realised it came from beneath him and  so looked down, " oh shit."

Liam yelled as his feet were dragged from underneath him and the blood started rushing to his head. " Hello!" Where's Theo when you need him, he thought to himself. He squirmed in the chains trying to wriggle free but all attempts were useless. A chuckle sounded from behind him "Theo?" he questioned " try again" taunted the voice, " you're the witch" he gasped " ding ding ding , three points for the werewolf" " let me go" "I'm afraid I can't do that, you see now I've got you I can lead your other friends here and kill them too!" The witch cackled.

" you wouldn't"

" oh I would" and with that she stepped into Liam's view. She looked normal to Liam's surprise, he was expecting warts and green skin but she was actually normal . " oh" he murmured, " now I'm going to take you to my lair, but you're not allowed to see the way so I'm just gonna do this..." she brought her fist back and slammed it into Liam's temple and before he even had a chance to cry out he was out like a light.

Liam moaned as he came to, his vision still blurry so he blinked a few times to bring it into focus before sitting up and leaning on his elbow. He squeezes his eyes right before shaking his head slightly and opening them, then realising he was in a cage. He gingerly touched his forehead and found blood on his fingers, "why am I still bleeding, why isn't it healing?" " I temporarily disabled your healing" Liam jumped not expecting an answer " what, what do you mean?" " I mean that you can't heal until I say so, is that dumbed down enough for you?" Liam glared as much as he could without hurting his head.

"what happened?" " I knocked you out, what do you think happened, why do I always find the stupid ones" the witch complained. " I want to try out this non healing business, you see I've never captured a werewolf before I want to see how helpless they are without their healing powers"

She ran at him, somehow gliding through the metal bars of the cage, grabbing him by the neck and flinging him against the wall. Liam grunted as his head hit the wall, he grappled with the witches hands around his neck trying and failing to lift them off of him. Writhing and wheezing Liam begs her to stop, " please it hurts stop I-i can't...I-i can't breathe".

The witch drops him sighing, " you're no fun" Liam's sprawled at her feet in a heap still struggling to catch his breath. She punches him, releasing a crack from his nose and a squeal from him. He hesitantly reaches up and tenderly touches it, " it's broken" he whimpers " you'll be fine" she glances at him taking note of the blood dripping down his chin and the finger marks around his neck. She exhales, stamping on his ribs omitting a scream from Liam and strutted out.


It had been over an hour and Theo still hasn't bumped into Liam and he's sure that he's searched the whole of the woods.

"Hey Theo!"
He turned around to find Mason, " no it's Mason." "Oh, have you seen Liam anywhere?" Theo questioned.
"No, why?"
"It's just that I've searched this whole forest and I can't find him anywhere" Theo was starting to worry now. "I can't catch his scent either"
"Should we try calling him?" Corey suggested, " for some reason I don't think it'll be as easy as that"


Liam came to about 1 hour later, breathing shallow. Then he remembered the potion and reaches down the feel for it in his pocket." Looking for this?" He looks up to see the witch holding the bottle of liquid and stretches his hand out to it "gimme it" " no and even if it did it wouldn't work on me" " so you're not the water element" "none of the potions work on me, you must've missed my part of that bestiary out, I am an omnis witch. It's Latin for all if you're wondering, you need a whole new potion for me but I guess you're a bit late for that now."

"and if you're wondering about your friends I know where they are, they're lost in the woods looking for you." " just let me go" he whimpered

"I think not my little werewolf" " now I need for you to sleep again, so I'm gonna give you this little injection shouldn't hurt too much after what I've done to you today." She injected the solution into his arm and everything went blurry for a minute and then darkness.


"Should we drive around the woods and see if we can find where he could be?" Theo suggested whilst getting into the drivers seat.
"Yeah, let's go"
After a few minutes of driving through the path in the woods, Mason points out " do you see that dome kinda thing over there?"

"Do you think he's in there?"
"Well we're not gonna find out sitting here" Theo declares getting out of the car.
"You guys stay here and get ready to start the engine"
Theo sprints towards the opening and crashes inside to find it empty. He looks around confused until he sees a big wooden door at the back.


Liam woke upto a crash " Liam! Liam!" "Theo, I'm here." Theo rushes upto the bars of the cage and rips them off, " why aren't you healing" he asked worried as he knelt down beside him " she disabled my healing" " c'mon I'll help you stand, we've gotta get you out of here."

Theo slings Liam's arm over his shoulder and limps him out of the cage, " this seems too easy" " I don't care I'm just focusing on getting you out of here at the minute." They find their way out of the lair and Theo's truck is parked a few metres away with Mason and Corey inside. He places Liam in the back seat with Mason. Theo then jumps into the drivers seat and floors it out of there, he keeps driving until they're a safe distance away from the forest and then heads towards Deatons.

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