1.0 - The Glade

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    A rattle, like a dog pounding against a cage or a shopping cart running into a self, only much, much louder, is what woke Ellie and brought her back to life again. Her throat burned like fire was being set to it and her stomach sent waves of pain throughout her body. The darkness that surrounded her was enough to fill her head with worry and the sudden feeling of moving upwards came rushing through her veins. The lift, of some sorts, that she was currently positioned in was moving at a fast rate, so fast that Ellie felt her stomach growing nauseous with each passing second. 

    A blaring sound was heard, like an alarm clock telling you to awake and go to work, it pierced Ellie's ears and caused her hands to shelter over them. Her mind was searching and searching for answers to her many questions. One of which was; Who was she? 

    Ellie asked herself this as it dawned on her that she had no memories of her past life. She didn't know how old she was, what she looked like, even her age was missing.She could see people, people she once knew, but couldn't make out their blurred faces. The list went on and on, her name being all she remembered. That and a voice. 

    The voice sounded much like a woman. She kept repeating the same phrase, with the same tone, and the same amount of emotion. "WCKD is good" over and over again. It rang through Ellie's mind like a lullaby singing her to sleep. 

    The alarm coming to a halt is what stopped the voice in her head. Ellie's eyes scanned the metal box for anything, anything to explain what was happening. Anything to show her how she was there, why she was there, and a way to escape. 

   She pushed away the thoughts that told her to give up. Pushed them so deep, deep down where she couldn't hear or see them, and continued to search. Now, with the help of a faint red light, Ellie was able to make out a few boxes and barrels around her. All with the same name printed on them; WCKD. 

    Suddenly, oh so suddenly, the box, cage, whatever it was, stopped causing Ellie to find herself on the ground, her wrist throbbing. Murmurs could be heard from around her, but no words could be made out. Her heart pounded, like a lion trying so desperately to get out of a cage. Her eyes searched frantically around for a source of the voices. For a person, who could help her, explain to her where she was and why she was there. Her mind was racing with questions and her body shook with fear. She tried telling herself to calm down, but  didn't stop the tremble in her hands as she pushed herself behind the boxes.

As the doors above her opened, Ellie tried desperately to clam her breathing. The ground beneath her shook as someone entered the cage.

"There's no one shucking down here!" A voice said from in front of the boxes she was hidden behind. 

"Did the creators make a mistake?" A boy asked.

"No you slinthead!"

"Shut your hole Gally."

Shuck? Slinthead? Ellie peaked her eyes out from behind the box, only to see a boy looking directly at her. She quickly ducked her head down hoping that he hadn't seen her, but he did. The boy shushed the group in the box and slowly crept behind the box, seeing a girl huddled behind them as he did so. Ellie's whole body was shaking in fear now. What was he gonna do to her? She thought.

As the boy stepped towards her, Ellie slid back, letting out a grunt of pain as her wrist pushed her against the wall. The boy stopped moving and bent down on one knee, putting his hand out in front of him to show he meant no harm. Ellie didn't believe him.

The boy was tall. He had dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes. He wore a dirty, white sweatshirt, along with brown pants that reached just below his knees. He smiled lightly as he looked into Ellie's eyes. She blushed and looked down, letting her long hair fall in front of her face, against his stare. Suddenly, he spoke. 

"Everyone get back to work, I'll get the greenie." He said. His accent seemed to calm down the girl and she let her tense shoulders relax. "I'm not going to hurt you and neither will anyone else. I promise. But can you tell me if you remember your name?"He asked, turning to look at Ellie once more. She nodded.

"Ellie." She whispered, her voice coming out as a rasp. The boy smiled and held out his hand.

"The names Newt," He stated. "Let's get you out of this box, yeah?" He asked her.  She nodded and took his hand in hers, sending butterfly's up her stomach. She blushed once more and averted her eyes to her feet as he helped her stand. A rope was sent down, a hole in the bottom, and Newt nodded, telling her to go. She lifted her foot and held onto the rope with her good hand. As her and Newt were lifted from the cage, Ellie took in her location.

Tall, taller than seemed possible, walls covered in green ivy surrounded them on every side. In the middle of the four walls there was an opening, but Ellie couldn't see where it lead from her spot in the middle of the giant courtyard like area. She saw trees, heard animals, and smelled food coming from a tall building just to her left. 

She stood from her place in the grass and felt eyes on her as she did. She turned around, trying to see more of where she was, but a group had circled around her, trapping her in. Boys. Sweaty, boys surrounded her, of all ages, races, and heights. Only boys.

No girls? She thought.

Some boys snickered at her Confusing look. Some gave sympathetic smiles. Some did nothing.

"W-Where am I-I" Ellie stuttered.

More laughs.

"Everyone shuck off!" A boy with dark skin and a tall frame yelled. Ellie could guess that he was the leader by the way he carried himself- confident, demanding. He then turned to Ellie as everyone started to walk off. He looked her in the eye, as if trying to see inside her head, before shaking his head and answering.

"This," He started, "Is the glade."


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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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