The door opened.
A small women came thru the door and hugged Hoseok tight.
"I haven't seen you in such a long time!"
"I know mom, I'm sorry."
"What brings you here anyways?"
Hoseok grabbed my hand.
"This is Yoongi, my boyfriend."
She turned to look at me. I felt her eyes analyze me.
I extended my hand."Good day."
She looked at me for a moment more before taking my hand and smile.
"Nice to meet you."
I felt relive when she smiled at me. The same warmth I felt when I was with Hoseok was all over this house. It felt like home. The home I never had.
The house was big. Not as big as Hoseoks but big. There were photographs all over the walls and furniture. One of the photos caught my eye. It was a little boy and girl sitting on a really old swing set in a very grassy plane."That's Hoseok and Dawon a very long time ago."
I smiled at the photo.
"Would you like to see more photos?"
I nodded softly and walked with Hoseoks mother to another room. She pulled out three huge boxes and popped open the lid of all of them.
"Mom can't we do this after dinner?"
Mrs. Jung and I laughed at Hoseok for whining.
"No we can't darling. I'm sure you will still love each other no matter what is inside these boxes."
We looked at each other and smiled. I patted my hand next to me for Hoseok to sit.
"This one was taken on Hoseoks first birthday."
I had a sensation of pure joy.
Loving him became easier each day.
I never wanted this to end.

Thoughts. (BTS Sope)
FanfictionThey were utterly intoxicated by each other. (Complete)