c6- can i?

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After I finished trying on things I walked back out into the store. I saw the girl who I was talking to earlier still looking at things. She caught my gaze and walked over.

"Hey" she said, "we never got to ready introduce eachother, my names Jule" she said sweetly. "That's a gorgeous name, mines Stella" I said smiling.

"So did you just move here?" she asked. "Yah, just yesterday actually"

Her eyes widened at this. "Really?" She asked. "Really" I confirmed.

She reached over to get something out of her purse. She took out her phone. "Here let me give you my number, if you just moved here you defiantly need someone to talk to." I took out my phone and didn't hesitate to hand it to her. Jule was super nice.

"Thanks" I said after she was done putting in her number. "No problem, don't hesitate to call or text me" she said with a smile. "Of course" I said and make my way out of the store after paying.

I went to a couple more stores after that and bought more than expected. I pulled out my phone and dialed my moms number. She picked up on the 3rd ring. "Hey mom, can you pick me up from the mall now" I mumbled into the phone. "Of course, headed over right now." I ended the call and walked towards the closest exit of the mall.

While I was waiting I decided to text jule. She put her contact down as Jule👗😊. I sent her a text.

Hey it's Stella, from the mall😊

Then I saw my mom pull up the car. I walked over and got into the front seat. "Hey mom" i said looking over. "How was the mall" she asked me. "It was great, I even met somebody." I said leaning my elbow on the seat and setting down my bags. "What do you mean" she said looking over at me with curious eyes. "Well I was talking to a girl in a store and she was really nice, she gave me her number so we could text." "Oh" my mom mumbled. I shot her look and then turned to look out the window.

"MOM, STARBUCKS" I said. "Okay fine, we can stop" she replied to my yell. I didn't usually get this excited over Starbucks but I was really craving it. Not to mention it was super hot out and the warm leather seats and stuffy car weren't helping me cool down.

We went through the drive through and I order my usual. Iced caramel macchiato.

I walked into the house sipping my drink and carrying 5 bags full of clothes. I ran up to my room and closed my door, sitting down on my bed. I turned on my phone to text Kaila but saw I had one new message from jule.

Jule👗😊: oh hey! Listen I know we like just met but my friend Luca is having a party tonight! Do you want to come, I can text you the address.

I sprinted downstairs. "MOM", she peaked her head out. "Yes, what is it." "My friend jule i met at the mall is going to be at one of her friends party's tonight and she said I could come, can I go!"

"I don't know Stella. You hardly know this girl and you don't even know her friend at all." "But mom I don't know anyone around here."

Me and my mom were arguing for about 20 minutes and my mom still didnt make up her mind. "Listen Stella I still have to think it over. I'm not sure if this is such a good idea. I'll let you know what I decide at dinner. Which is in like 20 minutes okay." I groaned and walked back upstairs.

I texted Jule back.

So my mom isn't sure whether or not she wants me to go. But if she doesn't let me I could probably just sneak out. What's the address.

Wow I thought to myself, I didn't think I would ever sneak out of the house. Let alone have a reason for sneaking out

My phone vibrated against my skin and I looked at the screen

Jule👗😊: 67 meadowlark ave

I blinked several times before looking down at the screen, was I even seeing correctly. 67 meadowlark ave. I live on 21 meadowlark ave. that means Luca lives right down the street.

I walked downstairs and told my mom that Jules friend Luca lived right down the street. Then my mom told me u could go to the party tonight. I quickly thanked her and walked back up to my room. Texting jule.

I actually live right down the street! Oh and I can go, what time do you want me to come over.

My phone buzzed immediately

Jule👗😊: well the party doesn't start till 8 but I want you to come over at 6 so you can meet Luca and hang out with us

I looked down at my phone, it was 5:30. Then I texted Jule back.

Okay be there in 30👌

I was so excited for tonight.


Photo of juke on top

Okay here's where the story starts picking up and nico will be in it soon!!!!

Updated twice today because two people answered the question, only one person I think was talking about what Stella looks like... Stella looks like maddi Bragg so look her up y'all

I have lots of ideas for the next couple chapters also!

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