c7- Nash Grier

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It was 5:55 and I was about to walk out of the house and go to Lucas. I had spent the past 30 minutes thinking about what would happen tonight.

A million thoughts flooding my mind as I walked down the road. What if they didn't like me. Would it be awkward. Did luca even want me there?

I was about to turn back, but it was too late when I found myself standing at the front door. I sent jule a quick text telling her I was here and then rang the door bell.

It flew open in about 3 seconds revealing an excited Jule. "Hey Stella!" She said and hugged me. I pulled back and noticed she was wearing the black dress from H&M. "Nice dress" I said to jule. "Oh my god I know I love it so much" she said while jumping up and down.

Then she turned around and I noticed another girl standing there. I'm guessing this was Luca. Her and Jule were both so pretty. Luca had long blondish brown hair and gorgeous big blue green eyes. She smiled at me, "hey I'm Luca" she said. "Stella" I said back. She pulled me in for a quick hug and it was kinda awkward but it was alright.

"Alright let's go!" Jule said and we went up the stairs. "Your house is beautiful" I said to Luca. She laughed a little. "Yah, we get that a lot. My parents make a lot of money and my brother is kinda an actor so.. yah" she said. "Oh" I replied and nodded my head looking around. We got to the top of the stairs and began walking down the long hallway. Jule said something funny and we all began to laugh loudly.

All the sudden we heard a door open behind us and someone walked out. He looked a little younger than us, and had very light blonde hair and green eyes.

"Could you guys shu-"

He stopped mid sentence and said something else.

"who is this" he said. I'm assuming he was talking about me. I mean who else. Luca began to speak, "oh this is our friend Stella. Oh and Stella, this is my brother Nico." She said talking to me.

"Hey" I moved my hand, slightly waving at him.

He opened his mouth to start talking again but Jule cut him off before he could say anything else. "Listen Nico we've got stuff to do, remember we are having a party tonight." He nodded in response so they both turned around and started walking down the rest of the hallway to Lucas room.

I looked at him and smiled apologetically, then I followed Luca and Jule. Picking up my pace to catch up.

We walked into Lucas room and sat on her bed talking about pointless things. I got to know Luca and Jule a lot better. They even asked something's about me to.

After a while we stared talking about boys. "Oh my god have you seen Zac Efron!" Jule said, her eyes were defiantly all heart eye emoji. "Yah he's hot but I prefer Channing Tatum." Luca said, looking at me shaking her head to see if I approved. "Yes okay they're both hot but um Nash Grier yes please." They both looked at me with puzzled faces. "Yah know vine... Magcon..." I said with wide eyes. "Oh yah" they both said. "I've heard of him, he is pretty hot" we all agreed.

"Oh and speaking of guys sorry about my brother earlier." Luca said. "Oh it's fine." I mumbled looking down at the floor.

My phone vibrated and I opened it. One of my friends tagged me in a Nash photo on Instagram. I quickly liked it and held up my phone.

"Speaking of Nash...." Both Jule and Lucas faces lit up. "You have an Instagram!" "Uh yah, who doesn't" I told them laughing at their shocked faces. "Okay what's your username so we can follow you" Luca asked. "It's Stella.xx" I told them.

"There just followed you." They said. I clicked on both their profiles and started scrolling through their photos liking them, they did the same. "Dang" I said, "you guys get a lot of likes on here!"

"Yah" they both sighed. "It's because of Nico" jule said. "Yah" Luca chimed in. "It's because his fans follow us and everything." "Wait, he has like actual fans?" I asked, dragging out the last word. "Yah" they said, "it's crazy." "Here I'll give you his username" luca told me.

She took my phone, typed in his username and handed it back to me. I stared at his profile amazed. He had 21k and when I was looking through pictures he was tagged in they were all from fan accounts. "Wow" I said looking up from my phone. "Yah" Luca and Jule said.

"Oh and here" Luca said grabbing my phone, yet again. "There's going to be a lot of people coming tonight so I'll follow them for you just so you know who they are.

I was now following 30 new people, not including Jule, Luca, and Nico.

I looked over at Luca, "this is going to be a big party isn't it" I said with big eyes. "Yah" she said back smiling at me and Jule "and those are just the people who are invited, more end up coming too."

"How do your parents even let you do this? My mom would never let me" I was actually really curious to hear what Lucas response was. My mom was always relatively strict when it came to throwing parties.

"Well they're out of town for the weekend. Visiting with nicos agency about a new movie. So I guess you could say they don't really know...." Luca said slowly. We both just smirked at each other thinking the same thing.

This party would be amazing.



Photo on top is Luca bc I figured you guys know who nico is already

So who's excited for this party😏

*raises hand*

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