c13- eggs & bacon

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon. Typical me, I love food. I looked around and took in my surroundings, completely forgetting that I crashed at Lucas house last night. I patted the bed in search of my phone and looked at the time. It was 8 am.

Before I went downstairs I checked my appearance in the bathroom. I was still in Nicos clothes. Which were keeping me comfortable. I grabbed some toothpaste and attempted to brush my teeth with my finger. Which as usual, didn't work. Oh well I sighed and decided that my tangled hair and tired eyes were as best as it was going to get.

I walked barefoot down the tall staircase, hearing voices as I came to the end. I turned the corner to see Nico at the stove cooking eggs, and bacon. Jule, Nessi, and Luca were sitting at the table a little in the distance talking. Nico was the first to notice my presence and turned around to smile at me. I told him "Good morning" in my awful morning voice, and walked over to see the girls.

"Hey" Luca and Jule both said. Nessi sat there throwing Shade by rolling her eyes at me. I just shook it off and sat down with them. As soon as I was starting to reply to the question asking were I slept Nico came in with plates for everyone. "So I'm wondering" I asked Nico as he sat down. "How did you end up cooking breakfast?" I raised my eyebrows a bit trying to hold in a laugh as he shrugged. "I'm not really sure to be honest" he said with a smile. "Oh and nice clothes by the way" he said to get me back. This won even more glares from
Nessi. Me and Nico just laughed at each other and kept eating.

After breakfast was finished I headed back upstairs and changed I back into my clothes from the day before. I left Nicos clothes folded on the edge of his bed heading back downstairs to leave. I ran into everyone on the trip down the highway. "Why leaving so soon?" Luca asked and they all hummed in agreement.

"Well my mom is wondering were I am. Also I have some unpacking and other things to do before my first day of school here tomorrow." I gave a shy smile and walked past as they all said bye.

The walk down the street went by pretty fast and I found myself at my front door before I knew it. I walked into the living room and found my mom sitting there reading a book. "Hey mom" I said while passing by to go up the stairs. She just looked up and said I back. I think she knew what had happened but didn't really bother to pry and ask questions. For that I was grateful.

I went up to my room and took a shower. I desperately needed to wash my hair and shave. After getting into comfy clothes I went and organized my school bag. I was starting and it was the beginning of Novemeber but u didn't wNt to put of school any longer. It would just mean more work to make up.

I loaded all the essentials in my brown mk school bag. I had folders and notebooks also pencils a and my calculator. I was not looking forward to school at all. The nerves I was feeling was like the first day on school x 1000. But at least I had good reason.

I decided I'd done enough work for the day so I put my things away and went on my phone listening to the Beatles as I drifted asleep to catch up on the several hours I had lost the previous night.


I apologize this chapter is poorly written and I haven't gone through to edit it. Also going along with that, this wattpad story is currently "under construction." I'm trying to go back and edit/ improve the story. That doesn't mean what the story is about will change at all. Just making the chapters written better with more detail and deleting my authors notes so the story flows better etc. I have yet to start that but I have added photos on just about every chapter so go check those out.

Sorry for not updating in forever. I would sit here and make excuses but no one wants to hear that kind of stuff.

Have a good day xx.

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