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my mum and dad couldn't decide where to put Iggy when we were going away so I begged them to let him stay @ matts house and they agreed so we went to drop him off like 3 days before we were going away (idk why) and Wendy offered my parents a cup of tea and I asked where the toilet was and she said first door to the right but because I don't really know my left from my right I went to the door on the left and it was matts room and he was in there😂 and he saw me and I was like I just need a wee don't mind me I'll be going so I ran out and into the toilet and when I'd finished he was standing outside and said "you're friends with Megan aren't you" and I was like yes why and he said "don't tell her but I miss her and I want to go the sixth form but they wouldn't let me" and I was like oh and I was like well better be going but he stopped me and said "no wait, please help me with something, invite Megan to the park with you and I'll hide in the bushes so I can see her" but I thought that was a strange thing to do so I said why not just dress as a girl and say you're my myms friends daughter and he agreed but he said that we'd need help to dress him so he invited Morton over to help. When he arrived he asked what the plan was and we told him and he laughed a lot but then said "do you have anything of Courtney's left" and he did and so he wore her tights and hoop earrings and borrowed the rest from his mum and we helped him apply his makeup and after like an hour he was ready, we just needed a wig.
Morton had one in his bag and pulled it out, it was a black wig so we had to make his eyebrows black aswell but finally we were ready.
You texted me saying that you were there and I said I'll be there in a minute and so we set off, with Morton having to hide in the bushes now. when we arrived you spotted Matt, who we had creatively named Sally. You two hit it off straight away and I kept laughing because I found it really funny and Morton decided that he'd walk up and pretend he knew this Sally girl but we just ended up laughing too much and ran off to leave you two alone. You decided to go down the slide which was really high and really fast and you went down first with Matt going down after but it was too fast for his wig and it flew off in the wind and you saw who it was and fainted so me and Morton came rushing back, still laughing, and helped carry you to Wendy who was still sat having a cup of tea.

and then I woke up lol 'twas a lovely dream

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