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I was in Leeds with my dad and we went into Wilkos to buy some food and stuff and we went up to the first till to pay for it all. I suddenly remembered that I needed some new pens so I ran over to the corner where the pens were being sold. There was a pack for sale for 99p or you could choose your own. I chose some blue and some green pens which cost 55p all together. The woman who was down the other aisle asked me to wait so she could weigh them to see if the price was right. It was, and she got a draw string bag out and put the pens in there, along with a plastic case full of loads others. She also gave me a card and told me to read it when we paid.
I ran back to my dad but he had turned into my mum so I was confused. I put my pens down on the conveyer belt and then read the card. It said to not leave the shop and to stay until closing time. My mum let me and said that she'd pick me up later. I went down to sit at the back of the shop where the tables and chairs were and waited for 5 hours.
When it was almost closing time, a boy came inside the shop. I recognised him! It was Matt, but he wasn't wearing a shirt lol why. He came down the back of the shop and sat the other side of the room to me. The shop lady announced that it was closing time and everyone else left. Then she came up to us and handed us small sewed badged with thread coming out through them. She handed them to us and said "What is your superpower" and I said flight. Then something strange happened, the thread came out of the badge and sewed itself into my skin around my wrist. The lady then said that I could now fly, and transform into anything when I did it.
Then she went over to Matt and asked what superpower he wanted, and he said invisibility. The thread did the same thing and sewed itself around his wrist. Then the woman switched all the lights out and said "Get out" so we walked towards the doors, and my mum was standing there. She collected me and when Matt walked past she said "Hello" which was weird. Then we left and went into the dark street and saw a little boy. My mum ran over to him and asked if he was alright, and all of a sudden Matt ran and picked this boy up and ran home with him.
When we got home, I found another note from the woman which said that she needed me to come back to the shop at 4am for her night shift and I needed to try on some clothes. I was to meet her friend (who was small and fat and blonde) on the corner near the shop. I decided that the only way I could do this was to clone myself. Once I had done that, I turned myself into a fly and flew back to Leeds, I did this so I was small enough that no one could see me. When I reached the corner, no one was there. So I set off flying around the streets of Leeds looking for someone I knew, I looked into all of the cars and saw no one except Harvey asleep at the wheel. When I finally decided to give up, the woman was there! She unlocked the shop and let us all inside.
She did what she needed, but then told me to sit back down where I was the previous day. So I sat there. The woman's friend left, and half an hour later, our whole form came in to have a class in Wilkos. Everyone came and sat down, with Luke C sat in front of me, next to Megan. Mehwish was sat on the side of a table with Skyla and Georgia.
The woman called me up to the front and gave me a special coat made from the same thread that was in my wrist. She told me it would help. Everyone looked very confused as I went down to sit, and Mehwish came and moved next to me. Then Luke asked what it was for, and the woman said my powers. He was jealous. He wanted powers. So the woman came up to him, Megan and Mehwish with three of the badges and asked them the same question, what would your superpower be? Mehwish answered with super strength, Megan wanted the power to read minds when she wanted, and Luke wanted speed.
Their wishes all came true and the thread sewed itself into their wrists and they were given the same coat as I had been. The woman gave me an extra one and told me to go outside to give it to Matt. But all 4 of us powerful beings from inside came out. Matt was sat at the door waiting and was very happy when he got it. He said that this was the best day of our lives and that we needed to record where the future superheroes started, so I flew up onto the wall of a skyscraper and wrote all of our names down on it in huge letters.
We then decided we should all walk around Leeds looking very cool, so we did. We walked around a huge square and then heard the school bell ring. We'd just got round the final corner and could see the corridor that everyone would walk out of. It was a long, green corridor. Suddenly Luke ran towards it to see Jacob and hugged him really tightly. Luke ran back and we asked what that was about, and he said he didn't want to talk about it. We shrugged it off and skipped back to school. When we were back, we were told to go into room 28. Lucas was in there! We were told to sit with him by Mr Rigby, who was wearing a curly grey wig and asked uwaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwws to call him Miss.

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