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We had entered this world that was in 1899 but we were watching the events like a movie and we were watching this group of boys who were all around the age of 16, and in this group was also a girl the same age. She was wearing a big blue dress which was pretty scruffy, she had dark brown hair which was under her hat and she was called Katherine. The boys were all wearing clothes like Newsies (browns, waistcoats and hats).
These people were really hungry, they weren't fed properly where they were living and so they did all that they could to get food and survive, their latest plan to get food was to summon the police officers and then steal all the food that they had and the leader, Jack, came up with a plan.
Him and a chubby little boy named Charlie were to get on the buses that came past the square to pick up the school children (they didn't go to school) and ride them in opposite directions until Jack got to 1 1/2 street and Charlie got to 2nd street.
They had walkie-talkies with them and once they'd reached the places they asked each other of they were ready. They were. Jack ran into a little alleyway and emerged with a yellow lorry, and Charlie had a yellow car. They were to drive these vehicles along the roads until they met, hopefully attracting some officers along the way.
They began. Still using the walkie-talkies, Charlie screamed "ARE WE GOING TO CRASH OR GO OVERBOARD?!" and Jack replied with "It's up to you!". Then it was decided they were to crash because Charlie didn't want to see his precious vehicle go into the water, but despite all this, once they reached each other, the car fell in anyway. And to make it all more annoying, no police showed up to them.
Instead, the police were chasing the gang that Jack and Charlie left behind - they could see them in the distance.
Trailing far behind was Katherine, she found it difficult to run in a dress. Jack decided he should bring it upon himself to go in and save her, so he ran right past the others and into Katherine. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to the train station. They couldn't afford a ticket so they decided to just hop on the moving train and see what happens. Still with the walkie-talkie, Jack rand up Charlie and told him to meet them at the old jail building. The train was to go right past there, all they'd need to do is jump off and land safely. That was harder than they thought it would be.
They made it though, as did all the others. Spot, a new recruit was ashamed of himself and said that he needed to be locked up forever and ever and so weaved himself between the bars. They found mouldy bread and scraps of food on the floor but they couldn't eat it. Just as everyone was about to start crying, a knock came on the door.
Slowly it opened, revealing a man with strange little glasses standing there. Katherine's mouth opened wide. She'd seen him before, somewhere. Then it hit her, HE was the man following them on a little scooter behind the train. HE was the man that she'd fallen in love with almost 7 months before. HE WAS THE FATHER.... or so she thought.
She subtly pulled Jack to one side as the man was speaking to everyone else and told him what had happened, and he was astonished. He'd never have thought of Katherine like that, but she was. She was having a baby.
The man got up, brushed of his knees and left the building, and Jack followed. A few blocks away, he'd caught up with the chap and began to say everything to him.
"It's due in July!" he shouted, but the man seemed very confused and annoyed with him, and ended up shoving him away. Jack was confused about this and didn't know why this man was denying the obvious, so he slowly began to make his way back to the jail.
Suddenly, Katherine appeared on a bike. A bike that Jack had never seen before. That's when it happened, Katherine, or should we say Mildred, took off a mask to reveal an old lady. The same old lady who kept flirting with Jack every time she saw him. That's where he recognized the bike from, it was the one he had had to run away from so many times.
This time that was not an option, she dragged Jack with her until they reached the rental sheds. She shoved Jack inside the second largest one and went into the smallest herself.
It was dark in the shed, but he could a voice behind him telling him to pull the cord. He did. A large face appeared on the wall behind him, a face painted like a clown.
He had found a portal. The clown told Jack to climb through his mouth, but Jack had read about these portals, they sometimes lie in order to have food, some portals only have teeth through their mouths and will eat up little boys just like Jack. The clown insisted that he climb through, though. And so reluctantly, he did.
He fell through layers and layers of fabrics and cobwebs and gums until he fell for the final time and hit the concrete flooring of the jail. He'd made it back unharmed, or so he thought.
The others rushed over to him when they saw the body fall from the ceiling and helped him up. They weren't expecting to see such a funny sight when they they lifted him. He was dressed just like a clown, with blue tights that made his legs look pretty good.

The End.

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