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we were on a bus coming back from a school trip when some magic happened and all the students on the bus were transported to this ice berg in the middle of an ocean. we were mermaids.
there was nothing else that we could see other than this really small ice berg we were next to so we decided to call it home.
we spent a few days there doing very boring stuff because we were confused and bored, so suddenly I decided that we need to go and find more land because we were all starving
the problem was that we couldn't see any More land at all, so I suggested that we just keep heading forewords because we'd eventually end up some where.
we gathered everyone up and swam. we had been going for hours when out first sighting of land came, it was a small sand blob about the size of a picnic table. we all piled on anyway. LAND!
we quickly decided to head off because it definitely wasn't big enough, and that's when we saw it. a big chunk of land.
it had corn covering the main body of this land, with bushes and trees around that. it was beautiful
we all climbed on and waited for our tails to disappear and then we got stuck in, searching for food. we were starving.
I found lots of blackberries, oranges and raspberries near a large area of brambles so I took those back to 'camp' and everyone said I should go and get some more. I went back to the brambles and heard a voice saying "those are my brambles please go away" and I was really confused. then I saw it. a bright pink bunch of brambles that wasn't really brambles at all, it was a bird.
I went to touch it and it shouted NO ONE TAKES MY BAMBLE I AM THE BIMBLE.
I named it bimble bamble. I tried to talk to it to ask where more food was but it ran off into the corn fields. I chase after it chanting bimble bamble, bimble bamble. we ran really far into this corn when we heard a voice shout "WHOS THERE?" - it was the farmer.
the bimble shouted to me to go back to the brambles so I did. we were running as fast as we could to get back to the rest of the gang with this farmer with a gun close behind us. it was really scary.
I finally managed to get back with the bimble not far behind and shouted to everyone else to get back into the water. we needed to find somewhere else to go.
we set of swimming once again and soon came across another island, this one had a town on it - but it was abandoned. we all stepped on and once again waited for our tails to disappear. once they had we set off into the supermarket. the oldest person, a lady named Linda, was leading the way. she was followed by the rest of us which was me, Megan, Harry, adam, Matt, Mehwish, molly, lucas from a tv show and two little Scottish girls.
we wandered through this supermarket eating everything that was still in date when adam suddenly had the idea of producing the light beam to see if there were any castles around. at first, the beam stayed white but then suddenly turned yellow and kept flashing. Megan and adam decided they would investigate, because adam had special flying abilities. they flew up into the sky and soared along. it took them a few minutes to spot something. it was a figure of someone reading a book... confusing.
they returned to tell us the news of what they saw but we all brushed it off as being their imagination.
the two little girls said we should go and catch a plane so we went to the airport and got on the plane heading for a place called bongos. it was a very quick plane journey but something weird happened when we got off the plane - we ended up in one big bed, all sleeping. I was the first one to wake up so I yanked the sheets off from everyone else because I was really scared. everyone else shot up and Molly pointed to the sky to tell us there was something there. it was the face of someone. we were in a book, being read. as the girl reading was finishing the book we all started chanting the words along with her which was really strange. we then were all lifted out of the book and onto this black lift thing. we were all back into reality, it was so good. lucas asked if they would upload the movie of the story we were in to YouTube and the people did. it was all back to normal.
well... all but adam. he got on the wrong plane but didn't realize because he headed straight to the toilets to do something. he had taken someone's bag from the overhead locker and had a look inside. there were some tight latex costumes in there that were really stretchy. he decided he should try them out. when he'd put them on, he unlocked the door of the toilet and jumped into the aisle. it was full of old people. they were looking at him weird, he was in latex after all. he then jumped off the plane, still in the latex and came back to us. finally EVETYONE was normal again.

adam couldn't get the latex off though so he wore it for the rest of his life. the end.

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