I Hate You, I Love You...

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Description: Zayn is a nerd whom Harry and his friends love to bully.


Zayn sat up straight in his desk, his posture was picture perfect and his glasses sat perfectly straight on his nose.

Perfect, perfect, perfect. That's what he had to be. Though it was extremely hard to be perfect with spit balls and paper airplanes being thrown at the back of his head every five minutes.

Zayn clenched his pencil in his hand and took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm himself as the 6th spitball hit his head. He quickly whipped around and glared at the group of boys behind him.

Harry Styles, the school's star football player, was Zayn Malik's worst enemy. Beneath the beautiful chocolate curls and the deep pools of emerald that he has for eyes, the boy was the devil's incarnate. He was truly Zayn's nightmare. The anti-christ.

Harry was a complete ass, hitting and kicking him all the time, leaving scars and bruises. To everyone else, he was not one to mess with, but to Zayn, Harry was.... He is....


Zayn really couldn't think of a better way to describe him. Not after all Harry has put him through.....



A five year-old Zayn sat at his table, coloring in the firetruck on the coloring page his teacher had given him. It had taken him a while to decide which color he wanted to use, but eventually he had decided on yellow.

He knew that firetrucks were definitely not yellow, but at the time, yellow was his favorite color. It reminded him of the sun in the sky and the flowers in spring. It was a happy color, and he, was a happy boy......


As he was coloring, he heard a small voice coming from behind him.

"Why are you using yellow?"

Zayn turned around and saw a boy with golden blonde hair and green eyes. Harry, was his name if Zayn was remembering correctly.

"Because it's my favorite color..." Zayn answered him. He turned back over to his picture and continued to color.

"But firetrucks are red." Harry stated in a matter of fact tone.

"So...?" Zayn asks as he continues to color, completely unbothered.

"So you're supposed to use red!" Harry exclaims, trying to snatch the yellow crayon from Zayn. He wasn't ready for the iron grip that Zayn had on the crayon, and with the force Harry used to snatch the crayon, it snapped in half.

Zayn immediately looked at the two halves of the crayon, one in his hand, and one in Harry's.

"Now look what you've done!! You broke it!" Zayn screeched at him angrily. "How am I supposed to finish this picture?!"

"Use red." Harry simply answered as he shrugged.

"But I want to use yellow!!" Zayn yelled.

"Firetrucks are red!!" Harry yelled back.

"I don't care!!"

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