Show Me...

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Description: Harry and Zayn decide to have a little bit of "fun time".


It was during the first part of the interview when Harry first noticed. Zayn had become very antsy, he wouldn't sit still. He was sure that the rest of the lads and the interviewer had noticed as well.

The boys were given a short 10 minute break, they were all in the breakroom, eating. Zayn stood off to the side by himself where he shifted side to side on his feet.

Harry began to worry, maybe Zayn was feeling ill. He made his way over to Zayn.

"What's going on, Zee... Are you feeling ill...?" Harry placed a hand to Zayn's forehead, which he noticed was now covered in a thin layer of sweat.

Zayn leaned in very close to Harry, who could feel Zayn's body head radiating off of him. Zayn panted lightly in his ear as he whispered desperately.

" 'M hot Haz... 'M so hot...." He whimpered. Oblivious as he was, Harry didn't get the hint of what Zayn was talking about.

"Do you want me to get you something to drink..?"

"No, babe, you don't understand..... 'M hot..." Zayn gripped Harry's wrist and bring Harry's hand to his crotch.

Harry stood there with wide eyes as he felt Zayn's hard cock through his pants. He blinked once and picked his jaw up off of the floor, moving his hand away.

"Do you need me to cover for you...?" Harry asked, he couldn't believe that he had just pretty much touched Zayn's dick. Zayn only shook his head.

"Need you." Harry looked around with a prominent blush on his face as he cleared his throat.

He racked his brain for an answer to Zayn but thanked the lord when they were told that it was time to finish the interview.

Harry smiled at Zayn sympathetically, patting Zayn on the shoulder.

"Sorry, lad. I don't know how I could help you with that but we've got to be heading back now.." He trailed off. Zayn looked at Harry desperately.

"Please, Haz, help me...!" He begged. His face was pale yet bright red in frustration and he looked about ready to cry.

"Fine, Fine, hold on." Harry had caved. He didn't exactly know who to tell, so he walked over to Liam.

"Hey Li, Zayn's not feeling well, I'm gonna take him back to the bus, let someone know for me, yeah...?"

Liam glanced over at Zayn and noticed how overheated he looked. He then looked back to Harry and nodded.

"I'll tell Paul, okay?" Harry nodded and thanked him before turning back to Zayn.

"Let's head back to the bus." He wrapped an arm around Zayn and helped him out of the room and to the back door of the building.

"You owe me for this." Harry said as they walked out of the building and towards the bus.

"Just wait until we get on this bus..." Zayn said hotly, biting his lip. Harry blushed extremely hard as he led Zayn onto the bus and closed the door behind them.

Harry didn't have a clue as to what Zayn could have possibly mean by that. They had always flirted with eachother, all of them did, but Harry and Zayn the most.

Harry hadn't ever thought of taking their relationship to a new level, exploring new feelings, or touching Zayn. Well, he has, just not as much as everyone would think he has based on how close they are. But as he stood in front of a very hot and horny Zayn Malik, he knew it was going to happen. And Zayn wouldn't take no for an answer.

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