Willow Tree

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Assignment goal: "Willow tree, how can this effect the a character?"

The fox stretched as she was walking out of the den. "Good morning Leaf!" She shook the dirt that collected on her orange coat before looking to the small fat creature.

"Oh! You ate all of the leave there already?"

Leaf sat up on his four back legs. His head moved side to side.

"Here" the fox placed her nose near Leaf. Leaf looked into her amber eyes then crawled onto her muzzle. The fox walked over to another small tree then placed her black button nose on a green leaf. The plump Leaf crawled upon it.

"Be good now, I'm going to check on the strange tree on the other side of the river."

Leaf nibbled on the leaves.

"I know others say not to go to the other side of the river, but that tree has leaves that are like long strands of twig. Though they swing like they're more flexible twigs. So I want to see what those things on the tree are. It might be even possible it's not a tree. Anyways, if Wolf wonders where I went, tell him that I'm across the river. I know he can swim over and get me if I'm in trouble."

With a skip, the fox prances away. Leaving Leaf to eat his food.

When the young fox reached the river, she saw a rock path that she hadn't seen before. It must have been covered during the rainy season. She jumped to the first rock, as she landed her back left paw touched the water.

"That's cold!" She exclaimed aloud, but without much thought she hopped to the next rock then the next rock then the next rock then the last rock before jumping to the other side of the river.

"That wasn't too bad" chuckling to herself. She then looked around for the strange tree. "Hmm, I think that tree was further up stream." She walked along the river until she saw the tree. "There it is!"

The wind brushed through her long orange fur as she dashed to the tree.

"I wonder what the tree is like. Oh! It's prettier up close. Heehee, those flexible twigs tickled my nose." The fox bit one of the flexible twigs, it broke off from the tree. She nawed and moved it around with her tongue. "This a leaf, cause it tastes like one. Maybe Leaf would like these leaves."

A strong wind then blew the long thin leaves into the air.

"Never mind, I don't think Leaf would like that."

The amber eyes of the fox caught a glance of something within the tree branches, when the wind blew the leaves out from under their normal place.

"What is that?" She ambled into the tree, now shaded from the morning sun.

On the outside the tree is a lively green on the outside, but within a muted yellow. The tree looked sick with the light shining threw, though the young fox was not aware of this. She looked up into the branches then placed her paws on the truck, in hopes to see what she had glimped.

"Oh, I see you now. Hello little Spot!"

It was the small red bug with black spots that the young fox had met before.

"Wait, why aren't your wings flapping when it looks like you're flying?" After a thought, she gasps, "Have you discovered magic? Is there magic in this tree? I want magic too! How do I get the magic from this tree Spot? Oh, is that the creature that gave you the magic? It's floating like you, and moving around in the air. Excuse me can you-"

To the fox's surprise, the eight legged creature covered Spot from sight.

"Wait, that are you doing to Spot?"

The creature held Spot with two of its legs then spun Spot around several times, turning the incept from red to white. This eight legged creature had turned Spot into a cylinder ball.

The fox returned her paws to the ground then slowly backed away. "I don't think I want the magic anymore."

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