Chapter 4: Math.

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Elsa POV

Jack has the same powers as me? What? I though I was the only one! Tooth cleared her throat, and I glanced at her. Her feet were still frozen.

"Oh, sorry!" I said. I let the power of my love for Anna and my parents and my kingdom wash over me, and the snow and ice gathered into a giant snowflake above my head, and I dispersed it. That made Frost's jaw hit the ground. My turn to smirk. 

"How did you do that?" he asked.

"My secret."

"Oh ho ho! I like this girl. Fiesty. So tell me Elsa, where are you from?" Tooth said, chuckling at Frost's rejection.

Should I tell them? Ugh. Might as well. "I am from Arendelle."

"And..." Tooth promted.

"Fine. I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle. And as you noticed, I have ice and snow powers." 

Sandy just showed a picture of a crown, then a ? than a map. This map was of Arendelle, and the fijord. An arrow was pointing at the castle, then there was another ?. I nodded. 

"Yup. That my castle. Pull up the map again?" Sandy obliged. I pointed to the North Mountain. "Right here. I made an ice castle." Sand y zoomed in, his golden dust formed a castle. My ice palace. "Yup. The one I build. I was trying to get away, I thought everyone hated me, but well, yeah. Now I'm queen." I said. 

"Wow." breathed Jack, right next to my shoulder. I jolted, and spun around, facing him. Our faces were inches apart.

"Okay. Can you continue your love fest later? Class is about to start and I'm not too sure I want to be late." Bunny said. He tapped his foot twice and dissapeard down the hole.

"Ladies and Gents, that was Kangaroo." Jack said, pulling slightly away from me. 

"Heard that." Bunny's head popped back up, only to disapear again. Jack laughed. He was only about a foot away from me now.

I slipped through the sand map, dispersing it and getting away from Jack. "Sorry Sandy." He nodded like he understood. 

Jack was going to be a problem this year.

Anyway, I might as well become a Guardian. Oh well. Guess I have to try to not shut the children out, at least them. Jack is not a child.

Jack POV

"Okay I guess I can be a Guardian." Elsa said. 

"Great!" North said, and he read the passage out of his giant red book. I sighed, there was a wash of power from the hole in the celing, and Elsa's hair flew up. She was now one of us.

Ugh I feel so stupid. I do NOT like her, okay? I do not. Whatever you think Frost, it cannot be about how cute she looks in that skirt and NO! No no no no no! Keep it together Frost! You cannot like Elsa Arendelle. Or can I? 

We finally ended up going to second period. Everyone in Disney Dreamworks High has first period free on their first day of school. I guess Cottontail missed the memo. Elsa was in my second period math class, but I hadn't realized it until I sat down. I sat in the back, and suddenly all of the sea were full, except for the one next to me. She walked in and I started screaming inside. No. Elsa Arendelle, the girl I think I might like, cannot be sitting next to me for the whole year. Ugh.

Mr. Lightwood (A/N: yes, Alec Lightwood, I was at a standstill for names sorry.) looked up at Elsa as she entered the room. I was focused on my phone, or trying to appear like I was focused on my phone. Mr Lightwood, whom we all just call Alec, told her that the only free seat was at the back. 

"Mr Lightwood.." Elsa whispered to the teacher.

"Please, just call me Alec."

"Okay, Alec, is there some way I can sit somewhere else?" she murmered. I get the feeling we weren't supposed the hear that, but I did. No one else did, but I did. I have really sensitive hearing. I don't know why, but I do. Its a gift. Anyway, Alec told her no, that she had to sit there. I guess years of fighting next to your best friend in an endless battle for good and evil makes you tough. Huh. Who would have thought?

Elsa came to the back and sat next to me. "Hi." i muttered. 

"Hi. Now don't bother me." I was taken aback. I have never heard a girl talk to me in that voice. Sure there sweet ones and happy ones and jealous ones, even vengeful ones, but not once have I heard a spiteful one. Oh well, new girl new perspectives I guess. Not to sound narcisstic, but I'm not used to a girl not paying attention to me. It was kind of refreshing. Oh well. It was a long, boring period of having to try to pay attention to Alec, which was hopeless. I couldn't focus on him when the hottest girl in school was next to me. Wait, what? Did I just think that? Ugh. Next to english.

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