Chapter 7: The King and Queen

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Elsa POV

I smiled as I got out of my car, Anna in tow. She chose a Little Red Riding Hood outfit. It was kinda cute on her, I admit. She had our resident seamstress (yeah, I know, we are that rich) make her a red and black dress, kind of similar to mine, red solid dress, black overlay, but it had sleeves. It was perfect. She also had her make a red cape with a black inside. She was pure perfection. When I told her she said "You should look at your costume." 

I opened the front door of Tooth's place. Tooth immedeately greeted us. 

"Hey guys! Elsa! Anna! You both look drop-dead gorgeus!" 

"Thanks Tooth! You don't look too bad yourself." I said. She looked stunning in her water fairy costume. She had a flowing blue dress, and her wings were still for the first time, adorned with sapphires. She even made tiny dresses for her mini faries. 

"Jack's already here. Did you two plan?" She said.

"Um.. plan?" I was really confused.

"Oh.. nevermind. You will see." I got really confused then. I shook my head and I turned to Anna.

"What is that AMAZING smell?"

"Chocolate!" We both said together, giggling. 

"Over there." Tooth said, pointing. Anna and I both took off towards the delicious sweets. I heard Tooth laughing behind me.  

We were halfway to the chocolates when I bumped into someone. I felt a peice of ice near my hand. My crown slipped off? 

"Oh, sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." I said, picking up the ice. I got up off of the ground, looking at the ice. It wasn't my crown. It wasn't a piece of my costume at all! 

"Woah." I heard, as I looked up into ice blue eyes. Jack Frost.

Jack POV

"Woah." I said, as I looked up to see Elsa. She was stunning. She was dressed as an... Ice Queen? And I was.. and Ice King. Wow. 

"Hi Jack." She said, shaking me out of my stupor at seeing the most beautiful sight in the world. I smiled at her. 

"Hi." I mumbled.

"So this is what Tooth meant when she asked if we planned together." She laughed nervously.

"Yeah." I said. Quick, think of something Frost! "So.. umm.. do you wanna dance?" I asked. Elsa smiled and nodded. There were a bunch of people dancing already in Tooth's giant ballroom. I guided Elsa through the crowds, which quickly lessened as we kept dancing. Soon we were the only ones on the dance floor. When the song stopped, we came to a gliding stop also in the middle of the room. People started clapping. Elsa looked around, but my eyes never left her. Her snowy mask was perfectly made. Her crown made her look truly queenly. She stopped looking around and pulled away.

"Wait!" I cried as she fled the ballroom. I saw her turn a corner, then I decided to run after her. I turned the corner she turned, but I lost her. I kept walking down the long corridor when I noticed a trail of ice. Found her.

I followed the trail to a bathroom. I heard sobs.

"Elsa? Are you okay?" I asked through the door.

"Leave me alone!" She replied. I groaned. 

"Wind, take me to Anna." I said under my breath. Second later I was standing next to a gilr in a Little Red Riding Hood costume. 

"Anna?" I asked. 

"Yeah? What's up?" she said, chocolates in hand.

"Elsa is crying in a bathroom, can you get her out? Or at least talk to her? I'm worried."

"Elsa? Let's go!" She cried. I grabbed her hand. 

"Wind, take me to Elsa!" I said. We were at the bathroom in another few seconds. 

"Elsa? Do you wanna build a snowman?" She asked. "It doesn't have to be a snowman." I heard the sobs turn to laughs. Then the door opened. 

"Yes, I wanna build a snowman." She smiled. I smiled. Anna smiled. Then we all made our way to the ballroom again. 

"Elsa! Make it snow?" Tooth met us about halfway through the crowd. People were dancing again. 

"At a Halloween party?" She asked, confused. 

"Why not?"

"Okay. Just clear the dance floor." She said. Still worried about hurting someone. 

Tooth did just that, and, standing in the middle of the floor, Elsa created a giant snowflake near the ceiling. Then she let it go, making it snow. It was beautiful.

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