Chapter 5: Invitation

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Jack POV

I walked into Tooth as I was leaving math class.

"Hey Tooth." i said.

"Hey Jack. So, have you gotten anywhere with Elsa yet?" was her answer. 

"Woah woah woah! Tooth! how did you know?"

"I didn't until you told me. And anyway, I saw how you were looking at her earlier. You totally like her."

"Well, I'm not sure. I have no clue if I do or not. I'm trying not to, I don't think she likes me very much. I don't know." I trailed off into a mumble at the end.

"Do you want me to find out?" Tooth offered. I looked up at her.

"Really? You would do that?" 

"Yeah. Anything for you Jack. You are one of my best friends." She said. I looked up at her again, this time with a lot of thanks. "You don't need to thank me either." she said. I opened my mouth, but before I could get one word out, she was flying off to talk to Elsa. Oh well.

Elsa POV

I was going to my locker when I noticed Jack and Tooth talking. Jack seemed kind of embarrased, and Tooth seemed really happy. Maybe they are dating. I knew I wouldn't have a chance. Wait, Elsa! NO! Don't think about Jack that way. Even if his smile makes you melt... and you almost opened up to him in the Guardian's hide-out. No! Elsa! Think about what happened last time a cute guy walked into your life. He ended up almost killing you and your sister!

"Hey Elsa." Tooth was right next to me.

"Hey Tooth. What's up?"

"Nothing, just wondering if you will ever admit that you like Jack."

I stopped. "What?"

Tooth laughed and continued. "See I knew it. You do like him. And I think he likes you too."

"Okay, wait what?" I was kind of surprised Jack would like me too. 

"Anyway, we are going to hang out, all of the Guardians, at my Halloween Party next Friday. You should come. Have fun. Oh, and it is masked, so make sure you have a mask and costume!" 

"O..okay..." I stammered, but Tooth had already flown off into her class.

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