Chapter 11 (He's gone)

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I open my eyes slowly and see it's dawn and my lifeboat is pulling alongside the SS Carpathia, I climb the ladder to the deck. 

I'm numb, my body and my mind. 

Someone wraps a blanket around me, I go and sit with the third-class passengers in silence. 

Hours pass, a single colour flashes across my mind, silver. 

A Carpathia crew member sits beside me with several papers attached to a clipboard. 

"Can I have your name?" I look up at him. 

"Yuri Nikiforov" 

He looks through the papers. 

"Any chance you have met a Victor Nikiforov?" I ask hopefully.

"No, sorry. You are my first Nikiforov, I know this is hard but did you personally see anyone die. Anyone you could name?" 

"Yes" tears fall down my face as I think back "First class passenger Yurio Plisetsky drowned and also a crew member Otabek Altin" 

The man flips through his papers and puts a cross beside Otabek and Yurio's names, I see my name a few lines under Yurio's with a question mark beside it. 

"And... Yuri Katsuki drowned" 

He puts a cross beside my name. 

"Thank you, you have given closure" 

"How long until we arrive?" 

"A day or so" he walks off, I wipe my eyes and hug the blanket. 

Hour after hour I lay on the deck barely moving when I look up and finally see the statue of liberty towering over me. 

"We made it Victor" I whisper. 

I know he's gone.

Yuri on Ice Titanic AUWhere stories live. Discover now