Chapter 12 (Memories)

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I wander around New York looking for somewhere to sell my watch, it should be enough until I get a job. 

My dream of adventure died with Victor but I'll keep on living for him. 

After a week or so of lying in my bed quietly sobbing, I better head to the market for some food, America is so different, the land of opportunity... that saying reminds me of the unsinkable ship the ship of dreams.  So many dead, why did I live? Young Yurio... Beautiful Victor.

I walk slowly through the streets, there is an outdoor ice skating rink that I pass. 

"I've fallen into a frozen lake that I was skating on" 

His sweet voice floats through my head, just a memory. 

I should go skating for him but I just can't. 

Every day I find an excuse to walk past the rink, my mind is obviously trying to tell me something but I just can't find the strength. 

It takes a few more days of pointless walks past the rink before I finally purchase some skates and slide on the ice. I immediately fall to the ice, ugh, why did I think this was a good idea? 

"Need a hand?" 

A hand reaches out to me and I take it. 

"Thank you" 

I look up and see crisp blue eyes and silver hair. 

No... it can't be... 

"Is this a dream?" 


Tears fall from both our eyes as we stare at each other in astonishment. 


"Yuri my angel!" 

I think I may pass out any second now, surely my mind is playing a cruel joke on me. 

Victor wraps his arms around me and kisses me, fire spreads through my heart and my body suddenly I remember that I am in fact alive and by some miracle... 

So is Victor.

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