Chapter One

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Robin's POV


I finally reached my door, slotting in the key, before pushing it open, throwing the keys on the kitchen side and shutting the door behind me. I sat down on the couch and flicked on the telly, placing my hands on my small but big baby bump.

Baby bump? Yeah you didn't read it wrong. I'm pregnant, at 18, well I got pregnant at 17 but I turned 18 last month. Sadly, I didn't do what normal 18 year olds would do on their birthday; go out to a club with friends and enjoy there first day of being 18. I'm actually 6 and a half months along! 2 and a half months left!

Who's the dad? Well, you'll be surprised.

Louis Tomlinson.

If you don't recognise the name, he's from One Direction- the biggest boy band, yeah.

I could say I'm lucky, I mean it's Louis Tomlinson, he has the looks, my baby will have the looks. But I'm also not lucky, as my little baby has no dad, and will probably, most definitely have a poor life.

You may also be wondering how I met Louis Tomlinson.


"Robin Mkay, who on this bloody earth told you to get into a fight!?" My father screeched.

"Who do you think?" I rolled my eyes.

"That is not the right attitude Missy! We did not bring you up like this!" My mother stepped in.

"You didn't bring me up! I brought myself up because you were too busy sitting on your ass-"

"Young lady! You better get up to your room-" Mother yelled.

"Sarah that's where she's heading anyway! Give her a job to do! Take her things away!" Father said.

"Well I don't think we should, she wouldn't do it correctly." Mother stated.

"Sending her up to her room is-" I cut them off my slamming the door behind me. I jogged down the pavement, to the nearest club.

Yeah I know I'm underage, but I noticed there was a window at the side, so I'll just climb through the window.

I gripped onto the edge of the window seal, putting my feet on the wonky bricks and pulling myself up. I sat on the edge of the window and slipped myself in, landing on the toilet, thanking god that the lid was closed. I stood up, brushing myself off and walking out of the toilet, and to the mirror.

I look 18, I mean I'm 18 in 5 months time.

"Hey baby." I heard a man whisper. My eyes shot open when I realised this wasn't the girls toilet.

"Gotta go, bye." I rushed out. To make myself look older I pulled down my vest top showing my cleavage and pulled up my hot pants, showing of my bum.

"The strongest you've got." I said to the barista. He nodded, turning around. "Make it big." I smirked. He took a large glass and poured some dark red liquid into it. I grabbed it, chugging it all down as it burned my throat but I ignored it. I went in for another one, and three more later, I began to slur.

"Eager are we?" A soft British voice slurred from behind. I turned my head, seeing a guy with messy brown hair, sea green eyes and a slight stubble as if he shaved a couple of days ago.

"Very." I slurred, finishing off the last of that cup. I then asked for some shots, handing him over one that we immediately swallowed down.

"What's the name?" He stumbled over his words.

"Robin Mkay, and you?"

"Louis Tomlinson."

After a few more shots, he took me to the dance floor. I moved my hips along with his, rubbing my lower half against his causing him to let out a moan.

"Your a good dancer... I'm sure your good in bed." Louis smirked.

"Hmm.. You'll have to find out." I pressed my lips onto his. He grabbed my hips, pulling me out the club and across the street to a motel. He quickly paid and brought me to the lift were we snogged until it reached the top floor.

He pulled me inside the room and laid me down on the bed.


I awoke to a tan chest. What the - holy shit.. Looking up, I saw a pretty damn hot face, but I was still scared shitless realising he was naked.

I squealed rolling out of bed, picking up all my clothes, changing into them. I heard him groan as I waddled around trying to put on my converses.

I was about to leave when he called.

"Wait!" I turned around. "Why are you leaving?" He asked.

"I don't know who you are." I shot.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson.. Your Robin?" He spoke. I nodded.

"And leaving."


That is how I got pregnant with Louis Tomlinsons baby.

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now