Chapter Four

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Louis' POV


"Eleanor?" I answered the phone. The boys turned around and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Louis Tomlinson!" She screeched.

"Yes.." I bit my lip.

"At 3:00 you said you'll meet me at the park. What time is it now?" She snapped, I looked at my phone for the time. 3:42pm.

Oh shit.

"Oh my goodness Eleanor I'm so sorry." I slapped a hand to my forehead.

"Where have you been?" She said, "The truth." She said as I climbed into the van.

"Listen come over." I said. "I have a lot to explain."

"You sure do, Tomlinson." She spat, hanging up. I rolled my eyes, putting my phone in my pocket.

"Eleanor's coming over, wish me good luck." I sighed, chuckling. The rest of the boys chuckled too.

"Why don't you break up with her? She's so spiteful." Harry groaned.

"It's not that easy." I patted him on the head, jokingly.

"I prefer Robin much better." Niall said. We pulled into our house, closing the electric gates behind us with the button in our car, then I climbed out, noticing Eleanor's car was here, and she climbed out.

We all went inside with out a word, then Eleanor started on me.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU? I was waiting there, fans constantly coming over, asking where you are and for pictures!" She yelled, all of us flinched at her sudden outburst.

"I have something to tell yo-"

"Well make it quick Louis, because I'm leaving. This is the THIRD time you've stood me up. Third." She spat angrily.

"Half a year ago I went clubbing met a girl.. She's.. She's pregnant." I said quickly.

"I'm sorry?" She said, standing up straighter. She was tall, well a lot taller than Robin because Robin was a bit of a short ass.

"I'm having a baby, basically, with another girl?" I said.

"WHAT?! YOU FUCKING MAN WHORE I FUCKING HATE YOU! YOU FUCKING DICK!" She screamed reaching out to slap me. Harry caught her wrist and Zayn and Liam held him back.

"I HATE YOU!" She cried.

"I'm sorry I was drunk!" I exclaimed.

"You had a girlfriend!" She said, "And that's girlfriend was ME!" She breathed heavily. "But not no more. I hate you, Louis Tomlinson. I hate you." She said.

She ripped her arms from Liam and Zayn, opening the door. "Oh, and just to say." She said, I span round slowly. "I've been cheating on you ever since we met." She smirked, spinning around and slamming the door. My jaw tightened. I felt used. She was probably using me for the fame. I went to rip the door open but Niall grabbed my arm.

"It's not worth it." Niall shook his head. I felt the sudden need to cry. She was cheating on me this whole fucking time! I had one mistake, a drunken mistake, but she is fully sober. She knows what she's doing. Niall pulled me in for a hug, so I hugged him back. My eyes were glassy but I didn't let one tear fall.

"You okay?" Zayn asked, looking at me with sorrow. He had a really big heart, but he never admits it.

"I'm fine, can we go out to eat now?" I asked. They all nodded. I was still angry, but I didn't want to blow on anyone. Especially not the boys.

Walking to the kitchen, I spotted glasses on the side, I clenched my jaw and wiped them off the side with the back of my arm, hearing them crash to the floor. Liam ran in as soon as it happened, "Louis I think you should stay here." Liam said. I nodded. "Don't do anything you don't need to do." He said, I nodded again. He walked out and I quickly cleared it up, cutting my finger a few times but I ignored it.

Walking up the marble stairs, I walked to my bedroom and flung myself on the bed.

My phone vibrated with a text.

From; 074563183098

Hey Louis, it's Robin. Can you come round? It's urgent. Thanks(:

It's urgent?

Panic flew through me, so I sped downstairs, putting her in my contacts on the way.

I climbed in the car, remembering the way to her apartment and the racing upstairs. I knocked on the door rapidly and she opened it, grinning.

"I've ran out of pickles."

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now