Chapter Twenty Four

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Robins POV


I cried out in pain as the baby pushed against my pelvis, it felt as if she was trying to rip through me. Like my hips were being torn apart.

"Get to the car!" Louis called.

"Lou.. Someone get the bag.." I said, my eyes shut tightly. I was taken out to the van and moments later everyone was in. It took a while because I made them take the middle seat out, knowing I don't want to sit on it.

I was on my hands and knees like I was in the bath this morning. I was breathing in and out slowly, trying to ignore the pain.

"How you feeling?" Louis asked me.

"I feel.. I feel like someone's ripping my hips.. Hips apart." I whimpered.

"Look, were here." He said, helping me out the van. I had my arms around Louis and Harry's shoulders, my hands foster in their hair.

I didn't mean to pull their hair.. But it's a lot better from what I feel now.

"I THINK SHES ABOUT TO HABE HER BABY!" Liam yelled, unsure. I was placed into a wheel chair a few seconds later and sped to a room.

"Your only allowed one person in-"

"Louis." I said, cutting her off.

I was pushed through the doors, the boys wishing me luck.

I a told I was 3cm dilated, and I may as well just stay in. I took two paracetamols but it wasn't working. I felt drained already and I haven't even had the baby.

I was laying on the bed, breathing deeply and holding onto Louis hand tightly as he told his mum what was happening.

My belly was showing and I tried to ignore the contractions by singing to myself. Which Louis also caught a video of because he was cracking up at. But it was funny because right at the end of the video you could hear me stressing out.

"I want. The drugs. Get me the drugs. Now." I said through clenched teeth to Louis.

"Miss you are still 3cm dilated. You must get it at 5cm." The midwife smiled.

"I want them. Now." I cried.

"I'm sorry. Maybe having a snack will take your mind off of it." She said.

"I can pop down to get you a sandwich?" Louis asked.

"Please." I said, my eyes still shut.

My hand was let free so I grabbed onto the bed sheet, Louis going to go get me my food.


Louis POV


I looked down at my hands and saw red marks covering them from when she was squeezing my hand so hard. We'd only been here for half an hour.

I walked out the door and saw the boys who sat up immediately.

"What's happening?" Niall asked.

"Apart from loosing the blood circuit in my hand, and Robin being in pain. Were good." I laughed, showing them my hand.

"But I'm going down to get them a sandwich. She's getting an epidural when she's 5cm dilated or something." I shrugged, trying to remember what the midwife said.

"Okay." The answered. I went down to the food court and picked up a ham and salad sandwich, going back up to the room. I said bye to the boys who wished good luck again, and walked back in, giving the sandwich to her. She was now sat up, so I gave her the sandwich.

"I can't wait for this fricken baby to pop out." She groaned. I laughed, kissing her on the lips.

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now