Chapter Eighteen

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Robins POV


"Thanks for tonight Louis." I smiled at Louis when we got through the door.

"It's no problem, this time next week?" He laughed.

"Definitely." I looked up at him.

He leant down to kiss me, and then someone walked into the room.

"Oohh.. Are you together yet?" Niall asked. Me and Louis split up.

"No." We answered, blushing.

"Mhm." He said, digging his hands into his crisps. I laughed, then pain went through me.

"Ow.." I said, hunching over.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked, putting a hand on my back.

"I think.. I need to sit." I said. Louis helped me to the couch. "Wait I think I'm going to be sick." I quickly said as my belly started to churn. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up everything. I've never been in so much pain..

"Here." Niall gave me a cold glass of water and some advil. I thanked him and gulped them down, then brushed my teeth.

"Let's get you to bed, you are you okay?" Louis asked.

"Yeah.." I sighed, Louis scooped me up into his arms, taking me upstairs. We laid me down on the bed and helped me change into my p.js.

"Stay with me." I said, as I brushed my teeth putting the brush back and laying on the bed again.

He nodded, getting unchanged and staying in his boxers.

He climbed in beside me, pulling me to him and massaging my abdomen. We've gotten closer, over this past month. Well since I've known him.

I snuggled into him, before drifting into my sleep land.


I woke up to Louis moving around.

"Where you going?" I grumbled.

"To an interview. I'll be back later, don't miss me too much." He teased.

"I won't." I answered, laughing.

"Turn the tv to itv2 at 11am if you want to see us. It's 10am now." He said.

"Nah it's okay I need a break from you." I teased back. He glared, "I'm kidding of course I will."

"Oh! Um.. Management said I have to tell the fans what's going on.. The fact I'm having a baby with you.." Louis said.

"I know Lou, you told me the other day." I laughed. "It's fine. If it helps you, it will be fine." I said. He came and pressed a long kiss on my lips.

After about 50 minutes after they went, I went downstairs with my blanket tightly wrapped around me.

"Your finally awake then." I screamed as loud as I could at the voice. I turned around to see Perrie.

"Perrie! What the hell?!" I laughed.

"I've been here all morning, babe." She laughed.

"You scared me! I didn't know you were here!" I screeched, laughing.

"Let me guess, you came down here to see your boyfriend having an interview." Perrie said, watching me as I flicked the telly to itv2.

"He is not my boyfriend."

"In your dreams." She sat down next to me. We watched an advert until it started.

(AN; To be honest, I don't know anything about interviews, so kinda just imagine what it will be like. So say if I done something that's only American, pretend it's Englandy... Yeah..)

"Hi, welcome to E! News! Today we are joined with special guests. It is.. The one and the only biggest boy band in this entire world! One Direction!" The lady cheered. The boys walked on waving there hands to the audience. I mainly kept my eyes on Louis. He looked nervous, but god damn hot at the same times. Hormones.

"Hello boys! How are you today?" She grinned.

"I think we're pretty good, are we boys?" Liam said, after they all took a seat on the leather sofa.

"Yeah." They all nodded.

There were questions asked until my name came up.

"So, Louis. Care to explain who this Gorgeous girl is?" She said, and a picture came up of me, then another of the one of us on the park bench that was taken and spread along twitter.

"Awh cute." Perrie said.


"Robin Mkay is it?" She asked.

"It sure is." Louis tore his eyes off the picture.

"Who is she?" The lady asked.

"She uh.. Actually she is my girlfriend." Louis said. I choked on my spit and the boys looked at him in shock.

"I thought you said he weren't?!" Perrie exclaimed.

"He isn't!" I yelled.

"Is it true that she is pregnant with your baby?" The lady asked.

Everyone went quiet.

"Yeah.. It's true. She is pregnant with our baby girl."

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now