Chapter Twenty One

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Robin Mkay - Adriana Lima

James (Her ex boyfriend) - Zac Efron


Robins POV


8 months and 3 weeks pregnant..

Times gone quick, right? But guess what.

Call me Louis Tomlinsons girlfriend.


3 weeks ago...

"Bye!" Me and Louis waved out the door to his mum. Wow, she talks a lot. But I have had a lot of advice.

"Get ready." Louis told me.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"We're going on a date. Just wear something comfy, not special." He said. I squealed, rushing upstairs. Louis laughed.

I quickly put on some comfy leggings, and a coral coloured top that was slightly longer the the back, and quarter length sleeves. Since my hair and making up was done, I just slipped on my beige flats, and walked downstairs. Louis had on what he had on today, just sorted his hair out a bit.

"Ready?" He asked, a picnic basket in hand.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Leggo!" He grabbed my hand and took me out the door.

"You look stunning. As always." Louis said to me.

"You too." I replied.

We walked along the pavement until we arrived at a park. Louis took me to the big willow tree, the leaves touching the floor as it bent over so much. He pushed the leaves out the way and laid out a mat. It was so big in here. Only a few gaps to see the turning dark sky.

"It's beautiful." I sat on the blanket.

"I know." Louis said. He opened a pot and I saw strawberries covered in chocolate.

"Holy shit." I could tell I was drooling.

He fed me a few, some falling on the floor that we flicked away, a lot of chocolate around our mouths. We then had a small sandwich and it started it get dark out.

"How long left?" Louis asked, rubbing my belly.

"Around a month." I answered, smiling.

"You excited?" He asked.

"No." I said, sighing.

"Why not?" He furrowed his eyebrows. I laid back, staring up at him.

"If it just hurts around my stomach, imagine how it feels coming out of my fucking.. Yeah.." I said. He laughed.

"It's going to be fine baby." He said.

"Hey Lou, I still haven't told you about James have I?" I said.

"Oh yeah.." Louis said. I explained to him how he was a dick to me, and how he really badly hurt me one night. Beat me. Bruises covering my body. Also how he used to have me round whilst he was fucking other girls. I used to sit in the room next door that he'd put me in, and I'd have to listen to them. How he used to have sex with me that I didn't want. This was all when I was 15. Dick.

"That fucking cunt! I'm gonna kill him." Louis spat, sitting up.

"Hey, I'm fine now, aren't I." I smiled.

We stayed quiet for a little while.

"I head you last night. But guess what?" I leant on my elbows.

"What?" He asked, confusion written all over his face not knowing what I was on about.

"I love you too." I said. Shock then covered the confusion, and then he grinned. I leant forward and pressed my lips onto his, smiling into the kiss.

"Robin.." Louis said when we pulled away.

"Mm.." I hummed, staring down at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He bit his lip.

"Of course."


I know it is early in this relationship to say I love you, but we both agreed that it feels like we've been together for 3 months. 3 weeks together is quite early to say I love you, but were also having a fricken baby soon!

I've been craving a lot, but Louis has been being a gentlemen and getting the food for me.

My bump has actually grown this past 3 weeks, I can feel Emily moving. It does make me feel sick, but it's pleasant at the same time.

I've been getting emotional, crying a lot. The boys would comfort me though. I'm not too sure what I'm sad about, I've just been upset. Thinking of my parents. I miss them, but at the same time I don't care. They don't care about me, why care about them.

I've been sick quite a few times, but not too much. I also don't get as much sleep, I wake up at 4am every morning, having to go downstairs and keep myself occupied causing me to fall asleep on the sofa. I also get barely any sleep because I must pee about 12 times in the day, and 20 times at night.

So sorry boys if your toilet roll runs out quickly...

But these past 39 weeks, went real quick.

I know I'll miss it, but one day I'll have a beautiful child, running up to me when she grows older. I'll soon send her to school, and I'll miss her a lot. She'll grow up to my age, and Louis will become like a protective older brother, but he will still be her dad.

The boys are excited, but I'm not excited to give birth. At all. The agony of it all makes me emotional.

This time next month, me and Louis will have a baby.

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