Chapter Twenty Eight

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Louis POV


I think my heart just fell out. "W-wh-what?" I stuttered.

"Robin is suffering with haemorrhage. A type of stroke, which is very rare during pregnancy. She is losing more and more blood by the minute; the reason she's in a coma, I-I'm not to sure what we can do. We are working on it right this second. You are very lucky your baby girl survived. I'm sorry." He said, pity shown in his voice.

"Wha- Will sh-she survive?" I cried out.

"That, I do not know. You will be able to see her soon, while she's in her coma. But if you pop to the baby room, you will be able to see your baby girl." He pointed to the door.

"Thank you." I croaked, walking away and tears streaming down my face.

"Oh darling! What's wrong?" Mum panicked.

"She-she's coma- because of stroke.. I.. It's she's.. Loosing blood I.. A haemorrhage-the stroke." I tried to get words out, once I did they weren't formed properly. They all took a while to take in my words, though it was hard for my crying.

I then heard soft cries from them all. Even mum was crying as she hugged me.

After ten minutes or so, we finished crying and we took off to the baby room to see my baby girl.

I pushed opened the door and in front of me was a small bright room with one cot in it, my princess laying inside. I walked over to her, IVs attached to her.

She was tiny, so so tiny and she wasn't even born early.

"Hello baby." I stroked down the side of her face, leaning closer. I knew I wasn't allowed to hold her since she's attached to all these wires. She looked like she was going to break.

"She's beautiful, Lou." My mum smiled.

"Gorgeous." Harry replied, smiling down at her. Her small eyes opened, blinking slightly with her dark eye lashes. She had beautiful sea green eyes, the same colour as mine, but they were brighter. A small button nose, and perfect plump lips like her mother. A big mop of brown her on top of her small head.

"When will I be able to hold her?" I looked up at the nurse, Emily's small hand brushed my fingers.

"Some day, Mr Tomlinson. She is not yet ready, very fragile." The old nurse nodded.

I smiled gratefully at her, looking down at Emily. 30 hours I've been awake. Is that possible? Surely. I feel faint, but I've got to stay awake to see my baby girl for at least 10 minutes. I smiled at her, and Emily's lips twitched as if she was trying to smile. She finally made a small one, and yawned straight after. We all cooed.

I brought out my phone, taking pictures of her. I decided to put one on twitter.

I chose the one where her big eyes were opened, a small smile on her lips. She had a little pink hat on, making her look even more adorable, only a nappy since she had to have wires attached to her.

So nice to have a member of this family. Wouldn't of happen if it weren't for you @RobinMkay

I then linked the picture to it. Robin doesn't use her twitter, well not a lot because she didn't want to see the hate

I got tweets like awww she's gorgeous or what's her name. I was also asked how Robin was, and why Emily had the IV attached to her. But I answered to none of them. Her name will be said when she is shown to the world.

Robin Anders Mkay.

Louis William Tomlinson.

Emily Rose Tomlinson.

The family's already started.

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now