Chapter Ten

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Sherlock wasn't really aware of what was going on around him. All he could hear was his heart hammering persistently in his chest and the echoes of Sophie's laugh ringing ominously in his ears.

They raced along the road at 70 miles per hour, siren screaming anxiously, and arrived at the hospital within 3 minutes. Sophie was wheeled out of the ambulance and through the doors of the hospital. Sherlock didn't follow. He couldn't stand to see her in pain.

Mrs Hudson seemed to understand. She took his hand gently and smile at him with knowing, sad eyes. They stayed at the entrance for a few minutes before Mrs Hudson spoke.

"I would say 'she'll be okay', but I don't know for sure," she whispered. "You know, if you follow her now, it will prepare you for any worse pain that may come later."

Sherlock looked up, and nodded curtly. "Okay."

They wondered aimlessly into the hospital; a group of anxious doctors rushed round a corner, so Sherlock and Mrs Hudson followed.

They reached a ward that was decorated with blue-and-white striped wallpaper; a plaque above the entrance named it "Dolphin Ward 🐬".

They had moved Sophie onto a hospital bed and inserted breathing tubes to her nose and mouth. She had yet to regain consciousness.

Sherlock took in the doctors and nurses surrounding Sophie. A blonde woman (Nurse Ashley Mann) and an olive-skinned man (Doctor Muhammed Paju) were discussing Sophie's situation and furiously taking notes.

The man scurried off, clipboard in hand.

Sherlock crept over to his fallen accomplice. He took her limp hand in his. For some reason, he felt helpless - and Sherlock Holmes never felt helpless. Why did he feel like he wanted to protect and why did he care about her so much? They had only met two days ago! But every time he looked at her face, reason eluded his mind.

Then a brown-haired man bearing an injection needle arrived. He smiled at Sherlock almost gleefully, the name badge on his lapel flashing just briefly enough for him to see.


Sherlock punched the man in the face, and for the second time that evening, someone fell to the floor unconscious.

But now Sherlock knew that the kidnapper wasn't just a kidnapper.

Because the name badge on the man's chest read 'Dr Muhammed Paju', and in the injection needle was poison.

Whoever the kidnapper was, they were trying to kill Sophie.

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