Chapter 10 (last chapter)

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Shane's POV

Lisa and I both decided going out and having a picnic and then watching the sunset would be a great idea. i packed the food and folded the blanket. I also put something special in my pocket for later. Lisa walked out of the bathroom looking beautiful as ever and kissed me.

"Are you ready" i asked breaking the kiss.

"I'm ready if you are." she said and we linked arms walking out the door.

We ate our food and sat back and watched the sunset. i looked over at her beautiful face and said, "Lisa, can i tell you something?"

"sure" she said sitting up ready to listen.

I got on my knee and said...

"Lisa, every minute with you is better than the one before. You keep me from falling when i don't even think i can stand. i hate being apart from you and when you smile, i feel like the whole world becomes brighter. I cant imagine being with anyone but you. Will you make me the happiest man i can be, **pulls out the ring** and will you marry me?"

By the time i finished, Lisa was in tears. She kissed me and said "Of course i will Shane, no matter what happens with you or me i will never leave you and i want nothing more than to be with you."

I slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed her. I broke the kiss and said to her "Time to start a new chapter in our life" and continued to hug her while the sun set behind us.

Awwww:) well, i hate to say it but this is the end. I got a lot of positive feed back so i WILL be writing a sequel. i will post on this story probably sometime next week about what it will be called. Thank you all so much for reading and i will be writing soon. i love you guys GOOOOOODBYEEEEE!!!!!

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