Chapter 1

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Brimeys POV

Boxes, after boxes, after boxes is all I can see everywhere! I just finished packing my whole entire bedroom on my own, my single bed was lying there empty, my big brown drawers were filled with nothing but air now, and my desk by my window in the corner of my room looked as if it was almsot naked without but millions of pieces of paper for my school work. Why did mum and dad have to split up, life was getting better here now. I had my 3 best friends who I absoloutley loved to death, kelly, laura and megan. They were my wing women, not hooking me up with people but bringing me up when i was down, they always knew how to cheer me up, we would have movie days filled with icecream, pizza, marshmellows, but today was the day. The day i say goodbye to my 3 best friends to move to austrailia, my 3 soul sisters, tears began to fill my crisp blue eyes as my heart began to ache in my chest as I was in a deep daydream thinking about them.

"Darling, whats wrong?" my mother asked with deep concern in her eyes knocking me out of my day dream and cupping my cheeks into her baby soft hands.

"I'm fine mum, i just wish we didnt have to go, i'm really going to miss it here. I'm going to m-miss my f-friends." My words came out i hiccups as the tears started rolling down my face leaving stains on my t-shirt. My mother grasped me and held me in a tight bear hug.

"I-i-i'm going to miss d-dad" I cried as i tried to fight through my tears and never ending hiccups to get my words out.


After what felt like forever, it was time to go up to the school to say my last words to the girls. I spent my last day of school in england off to make sure everything i needed was packed. Being only 5ft 5 it was hard reaching the things off my top shelf when i tried so hard to reach them, I jumped out my house in excitement knowing it would be minutes until i see them, i see my girls!

As my mum and dad drove down to the school i opened the window fully wide to get a breath of the english fresh air letting my brunette hair, which was down to my waist, blow along in the wind! My big blue eyes began to get watery as my dad drove faster to get me there on time; butterflys grew deeply in my stomouch. As we were nearly there, i decided to admire the last view i would get of my hometown. l  saw a big group of girls messing round in the side shop, giggling and laughing, nearly getting eachover hit by cars, they all suddenly hugged eachover in a big group hug. Then, it  hit me.

This is my last day in engand, my last day of being with my friends. I'm going into a different continent with not one family memeber or friend apart from my mother. My eyes began to go all puffy as i studied each and everything thing i went past on my journey to the school. I closed my eyes and listened to the wind to stop my eyes from splilling before i got there, suddenly the car went to a stop and my eyes flew open. I suddenly saw lauras face, then megan and kelly popped up beiside her. I saw an emotional grin spread across all there faces.

"My girls." I cried running to them with my arms open with tears splling everywhere.

"Brimley." They all cried in sync running into my arms and embracing in a big group hug.

We all fell to the cold concrete while hugging eachover, but i didnt care if it hurt i would go through any pain for my best friends.

"I can't believe its time y-y-you're leaving already." Laura spilled out crying, I wrapped my arms around her back and patted it to sooth her.

"We always have skype, text, facetime, facebook, phone calls, even though theres a time difference you guys call me when you need me and-d-d i will be th-e-re" I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. I had to try and keep it together otherwise i will never stop crying if i start.

"Honey, we need to get going otherwise the plane will go with out us." My mum called to me sniggering at the joke she made.

I turned to my friends, i hugged each of them individually so they knew how much they truy meant to me. 5 years we have all stuck together from age 11-16. Well 15 for me I'm the youngest in my year and my birthdays not till another 5 months.

"I LOVE YOU GIRLS." I screamed as my mum and dad drove away while i was in the back of the car nearly hanging my whole body out the window waving to laura, kelly and megan. All of them was crying there eyes out when i drove away, my body felt numb and i suddenly lost it. All the tears filled my eyes again and spilt down my cheeks, to my kneck, then my shirt. I put my headphones in and shuffled my music, i had to distract myself somehow until i get to the airport.


After at least a 1 and a half hour drive we finally arrived.

"Ooo isn't this exciting." My dad said while nudging my with his elbow as we got closer to the boarding area, after walking through there, there is no turning back, it would lead me and my mum straight to the plane. Inestead of laughing to my dad's failed attempt to cheer me up i turned round to face him and wrapped my arms around him, i let out quiet sobs onto his muscular shoulder and i heard my mums voice comer nearer to me and i felt her hand begin to rub my back to soothe me.

"i love you so much dad, don't forget about me please." I cried which outloud sounded more like i was begging.

"Sweetheart, your my little princess, why would i ever forget about you?" he whispered int my ear. I felt him grab both my arms and pull my restless head away from his shoulder and he then looked at me dead in the eye.

"Now you walk through those doors to your plane and make your father proud, be strong brimmers (i love it when he calls me that, he's called it me since i was 5)" He then leant forward and planted a big kiss on my forehead.

I then grabbed my bags with my mum and walked towards the doors, quickly i turned round to my dad giving him a massive smile. Gosh i loved my dad to pieces, he treats me like im his princess still whereas my mum treats me like im a grown up, which in both ways is good. My mum always goes quiet in those type of 'father-daughter' situations but i urnderstand why, this has been hard for us both...

As me and mum found our seats on the plane, i looked arond and smiled to myself. I heard a ding before the piolet comfirmed we were about to take off. Putting my headphones in and letting my music drift me off to sleep for the long ride i closed my eyes and began to think.

Austraila, here i come!


Sorry, i dont know if this is crap but its the first time ive wrote a fanfiction story, this may not be as exciting for the first chapter but i promise i will be making them more interesting and fun! Please tell me your views on this and any ideas i could add i would love, or even any fanfictions you would like me to write,

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