Chapter 8

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Brimmeys POV;

As i looked up into Luke's eyes as our lips disconnected, i smiled. I smiled so hard, this was the first time in years I've been this happy, after constant bullying i felt relief from just his lips. As we awkwardly just stood there smiling, i realized we were trapped in my own house. 


"Sorry babe, its Mike, let me just tell him you are okay." Luke said as he reassured me.


I tried to not earwig as i looked round throughthe corridor to see if i could find a key, i didnt want to interrupt there business i mean, they are best friends and i dont want to hear them all panicking about me, it makes me feel like im getting attention, and thats the least thing i want.

As i was about to walk back into the room i went past my bathroom, the door was open with a vile stench coming from it, it smelt of pure vodka, it was all in the bath tub filled to the top. Why on earth would anyone do that? As i was about to walk back out i passed a bathroom mirror, as i inspected my face i realised what my mum and bradley had done to me. My face was beginning to turn purple, my neck near enough looked black, chin was cut slightly from the man tripping me, i looked down and saw the bruise on my ankle which the man had left me when he attempted to trip me up. I was so ugly. Everything which has happened has made me look so ill. So worthless, like they all told me.

I held my face as i walked back into the room sighing, i lifted my head up to try and get all the bad thoughts out my mind as i heard Luke say something on the phone.

"I'm going to go now... Wait, what, a tour? We've only played a few gigs. Ash your joking, wait where? America? Wh-what." Luke shouted as his face dropped from a smile to thoughful frown. He dropped his arm and walked to the window without realising i was behind him,  i didnt want to make any notice so i just pretended to walk back in.

"Luke, theres no way of getting out, all windows are locked we never thought to unlock them, my mum she's took the keys and i dont know when she will be back!" i said looking at him dead in the eye trying to study what hes feeling while pointing to the window directly infront of him.

Luke raised both arms high above his head to put around the back of his neck to scratch it as he was looking round trying to find a way to get out. Suddenly i felt myself jump backwards, i felt asif he was going to attack me. His face looked shocked, but he understood, he came over and sat me down on the end of my bed and put both arms around my shoulder, he made me feel so safe.

As luke studied my face, he traced his fingers across the fingerprints left on my cheek, he then paused as i saw him thinking about everything, he stood up and began walking around my room breathing fast, as i watched i could see my marks made him upset, mad, angry, and feel everything at once.

"Its all my fault, all of it, if i was there for you at the start you would have been safe." He murmured putting his hands up to his forehead as a tear spilled out his eye, he slummed himself on the ground into the corner on my room.

"Are you mad-d?" i choked as i had a lump at the back of my throat and tears began to fill my eyes. I stood up and began to walk round. "How is it your fault about whats happened with my mum, or brad or the man, you didnt make them do it, infact you were the one there to help me through everything." I began to cry quietly, i didnt want him to see me so upset so i turned my back so it wasnt noticeable.

Luke sat snickering to himself.  He began to scare me, he was blaming himself for nothing he has done. "Its my fault, i'm in love with you so much and i never want to leave you." I turned round allowing him to see my tears, he hasnt told me about America yet but i knew exactly what he was talking about. He put his head in his hands and began to sob 'i sa-w h-him dd-d this-s to y-" 

I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face and connected my lips to his, i felt the rush in my body making me want more, we began to kiss softly until it turned into a hard and meaningful kiss. His hands slid all over my body making me have goosebumps of delight. Our kiss got deeper and deeper until his body crawled ontop of mine as we were lying on the floor, as our toungues collided he picked me up, placing me on my bed his hands were on the back of my head making me kiss him harder, while he continued to lye above me.

"Lu-uke..e" I spat out within the air gasps of our kisses. After a last peck and a few kneck kisses which made me giggle, we eventually stopped. Even tho he was kissing directly ontop of my bruises, i didn't care, having him with me made the pain go away.

"Luke, can i ask you something?" I asked him looking into his eyes.

"Go ahead princess!" He said smiling at me, getting my hand and planting a kiss on the top of my hand.

"Won't i get in the way?" I said sounding so shy, i looked down into my lap as i sat up crossing my legs on my bed. I was hoping he knew what i was talking about but his face turned from a grin to confused.

"In the way? Way of what? You could never 'get in the way' of anything!" He said smiling trying to look up to my face. I kissed his cheek as i looked away.

I pulled my sweaty body of my bed up to the window as i sighed, i knew what i wanted to say but it was so hard, my life is messed up. Mentally and physically, my father lives half way across the world from me, he used to abuse me but is slowly trying to cover up the scarrs he left on me. My mother has now became an alcoholic which then again abuses me, my nan and grandad never wanted anything to do with me after my father had me with my mother. All my family live in the U.K. I've got no one but luke and the boys. I put my hand against the glass as luke watched me from the bed, suddenly i realised this window has an emergency hatch, it works whether its locked or not.

"Luke i can open it." I chanted as the window swung open, suddenly the height hit me, this house was made with tall ceelings meaning that we were very high off the ground. I grabbed my bag which i had just packed and tried to lean out, i felt my body slipping as i began to panic and squeal. Suddenly i felt his hands grip onto my waist as he lowered me into the big tree, we slowly climbed down jumping to the ground. I was about to step forward until he placed his body infront of mine against the tree started playing with my hair.

"Brimmey, what do you mean you will get in the way."He questioned as i turned my head away not wanting to say anything. "Brimmey?" He giggled kissing me, then grasping my hand, looking at me dead in the eye.

"America, of America, your tour, your band." I said as i looked down in disappointment, i gently pushed his body away from mine as i walked towards the road.

Suddenly i felt luke grab my hand.

"Brimmey, you will never get in the way i will love you even if i did go, but im not, you mean too much to me to loose you" Luke said to me beginning to panic. I felt flustered. My mum and dad said they loved me yet they lied, suddenly i had flashbacks of everything that has happened and my heart began to race.

"Luke no, get off, please i cant handle this." I screamed covering my head as i cried, luke tried to grab my hand as i began to run towards the road,all i could see was bottles, my mum and my dad beating me over and over again, i can just see my face in the mirror getting more bruised as it grew purple and black I cant handle it no more, the memories are to painful, i am going mad. I began to cry so loud while running in what ever direction i could, suddenly the sounds of engines were getting louder and louder. 

"Brimmey no!" Luke screemed beginning to cry as he ran towards me as fast as he could with his arm ut trying to reach for me. i looked around realizing i was on a road with a car coming at me at top speed. I felt the floor vibrate from the moving vehical as it was inches away from colliding with my body...


Last time i had 123 views, came back on here to find i have 10.3k views, omfg guyss;3

so what'do'ya think will happen? cliffhanger once again! this is mainly Brimmey and Luke>.<

dont know what its like considering i havent wrote in over 3months,im starting a new book opinions on what love story it should be about,

I'm going to opologise again about the spelling mistakes of Calums name, sorry to upset you all

Message me if you have any thoughts or ideas, or need help with your writing!

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