Chapter 2

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Brimmeys POV

*ding dong*

"Urgh, w-w-whats the time?" I asked rolling over to see my mum in a deep sleep, she had her head on the window on the plane with her mouth wide open. I've never seen my mum sleep that way. Suddenly without realsing i let out with biggest, most goofiest laugh causing every single passenger to wake up on the plane. "shit." i cursed to myself as every single person who just awoke was eyeing me up.

A loud snort suddenly came from my side, i quickly turned to face my mum to see her jumping up in her sleep and panicking.

"John, stop, please, your going to kill me!" she cried while struggling from side to side on her chair. I began to panick and shake her violently to wake her, she quickly flew open her eyes and grabbed me and began to lightly sob in my ear. She had it again, she's had another nightmare from the trauma she went through.

Well i could explain alot about my life, I am an average 15 year old girl, well at least in my eyes i am, i have one of the most weirdest names i think anyone has ever heard of, my mum told me how she wanted to call me kimmy but my dad wanted to call me britannie so they mixed them together.. At my school i got bullied alot, over silly things about what i wore to non-school uniform days, my shoes, hair, even my eyes were apparently to bright for them they decided to tell me i had something wrong with me. My family were not exactly the richest before, i had to do with what i had and to be honest, i was grateful for everything they gave me. My dad and mum hated there jobs and were hardly home, so i spent at least 3/4 of my day homealone, which i didnt quite mind. They would always argue about anything that would tick them off and i knew from then that things were going to change soon.

Then it happened, I came home one day to find my dad drunk out of his brain. He just got fired from his work and he lost it. I heard cries coming from the kitchen and i saw my dad throwing empty bear glasses at the wall, as soon as he saw me in sight i remember him screaming to me that i was a mistake, that he never loved me. My mum tried to calm him down but he turned round and began to beat her. No, not the kind where you punch, push or hit, i mean the kind like kicking, slapping, punching while she was down on the floor. I tried to push him off her with effortless screams and tears rushing everywhere, but he punched me with all his force and began to drag me around. And then after he was done, it happened, my mum was scarred for life. We all knew he meant nothing, he was heavily drunk, and even after he finished with us both, after about 10 minutes i saw panick in his face as he tried to fix what he had done in his slurred words, but even knowing that he made that one mistake, he still carried on drinking his life away and continuing to abuse us both. Nothing can change what has happened. 


"Darling, everyones off the plane now, we really need to hurry up and get our stuff incase they think they are someone else's" I heard my mother whisper in my ear as she pointed towards the empty plane while chuckling. It was good seeing her happy again, smiling and being her normal self.

"Oh god yes, quickly lets get them before they fly off with us!" I shouted while laughing running towards the cuboard above a random seat at the bottom of the plane with my arms spread out wide pretending to fly. "If only some greedy person didn't steal all our cuboard space." I said in a baby voice with my bottom lip purked out.

As me and my mum managed to gather all of our things together, we sped off theplane into the crisp warmth off Austrailia. It was so hot it felt like i was in a cooker, the air had no breeze in it whatsoever, the air smet so fresh and clean, i heard many different languages and voices coming from all different directions as we enetered the big platformed airport. The chairs were set out in rows and the crowds of desperate people waiting for there plain to arrive began to fill the room even more.

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