Chapter 4

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Brimmeys POV;

"I really can't be arsed with school today..." I murmered to myself while i was still half asleep.

Today was the second day until the end of the week, which in other words is the end of school in a day , until i go back after the weekend.  I really didn't want to go back again, my days over the past week have been awful. Brad continued to pick on me, calling me frecky face, ugly, worthless and all these other little names all the time but i just remind myself they are just words so half the time i just ignored him.

I still really hadn't made any new friends yet, I only spoke to the one girl on the bus who i still didnt know her name yet, but in school she acted as if she didnt know me. Everyone did. I was invisible to every eye, or if anyone did make eye contact, many dirtys were given my way. I spoke to calum a few times in maths, only stuff like about my accent, like. 'How do you say calculator in english?' 'Your accent is adorable' 'Do you drink tea over here or is it only a england country thing.' He honestly made me laugh.

However, me and luke, well we have hardly spoke in real life yet. We spoke about 3 times with a good conversation on text. He told me how he and calum were in a band, he even told me how michael was in the band with them too! I did see michael with thme a few times round the corridoor but i never knew he actually was best friends with them. Luke also began to ask me things about my life, i didnt tell him too much because i didnt want him to think bad of my parents. 

Michael though, gosh, he was literally my only friend in and outside of school. On random occasions he would pick me and spin me round, he would work with me in any lesson we could, we generally had a bond, he was already like my big brother! He asked me once if i wanted to stay with him and hang with his group at lunch, i didnt want to say yes because i wanted him to think i had friends, i was too scared to hang out with his group incase they reject me, then i would have no one again. No one.



My phone began virbrating like a mad man, i put it on vibrate because in lesson stupid Laura Kelch kept sending me games requests, and my teacher Mr Soffle turned round and caught me, i remember telling my phone to 'shut the fuck up' but he thought it was directed to him. Ergh, i never want to go through the trauma of having his death breath breathing on me ever again! As i looked on the ID to see who it was, a massive smie spread across my face.

-Ashton Irwin-

"Hello there beautiful." I heard him say in his most meaningful croaky voice. I couldn't help but smile, no other lad has actually said those words and made me feel like they mean it, nor have the told me while there voice was dropping like hell.

"Ashy, aw i'm so glad to hear your voice, texting you isnt the same as hearing your crackly man voice." I sniggered as i tried to hide the giggles behind my phone.

"Yeah, yeah shh you. So how has your week been? Bet you've made loads of new friends, infact i dont have to ask i know, aha bet your treated so good over there."  Ashton boosted down the phone, my heart suddenly sank and began to race slightly.

"Yeah, ive got lot-t-s o-" suddenly i lost it, the tears came streaming down my face ruining my makeup, i began to pour out with tears, i felt so emotional dismorning. 

"Oh my god, Brimmey whats wrong, tell me right now!" Ashton said with a worried tone in his voice.

"No one likes me here, ive made one friend and thats it, i am already being picked on by this stupid lad." I began to scream down the phone while hiccupping tears.

"Ones a starter but this dickhead, im not having no one hurt you, never Brimmey you hear me? Come on forget about him, i will deal with him later, i will make sure he gets my word to leave you the fuck alone, okay? So, whats your new friends name?" He asked with some hope of cheering me up in his voice, I decided since he's trying so hard i might aswell act happy back.

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