Chapter 7

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Brimmeys POV;

As the tears came streaming down my face constantly, i began to stop sobbing and pull my hand up to my face, as i grabbed my phone i could see the red mark left on my face with finger prints left with it. As i tried to pull myself up, i felt so dizzy and afraid my heart was still pounding out of control, i found the room spinning around me in endless circles. Why me? Why did my life have to be like this? What have i done to deserve this? The endless questions began to make my ears swoosh with weird sounds, suddenly intead of standing up straight, i felt myself toppling over on to the ground. Until i felt someone catch me just before i hit the ground. I looked up and saw Luke Hemmings.

"What the fuck?" Luke whispered looking around at the scuffled floor from when my mum desperately had tried to catch me in her trap, which had succeded. Once Luke pulled me up and looked in my eyes his face turned.

"Whats happened Brimmey?." He yelped realising all the tears left on my cheek and the hand print spread across my face. He looked so scared, in his eyes i could see hurt, like he felt my pain, or felt pain by seeing me like this.

"Dont shout, pleas-" I began to sob until i heard crashes from dishes smashing in the kitchen.

"Have-e you inv-it-ted a fr-friend over-r to sa-ve you? Ha-ha" My mum cackled in the kitchen still unware of what her drunk actions just did.

"Baby, come on." Luke whispered holding his hand out pointing upstraids. Intead, i just put my head in my lap as my cheek was pounding, i then let the tears begin to stream down my face again. Suddenly i felt two arms pull me up onto his shoulder and begin to walk up the stairs with me. As we went up each step i buried my face into his back and let the tears continue to come out.

"Dont cry please." Luke said struggling to get his words out, it sounded like he was being strangled by his own choice of words.

I couldn't stop this pain i was feeling, not only physically, but mentally. I was hurt inside and out, nothing could take away this pain, not no friend or family member. Nothing.

Luke carefully carried me round the corridoor making sure not to hit my head anywhere, until we suddenly heard yelling from downstairs, but it wasn't directly to us, it was like my mother was talking to herself.

"Okay, i'm going out to get s-s-sober i think, but i think i will stay at Michelle's. Yes, a pl-an!" We heard my mum shout before slamming the door and locking it.

"Shit." I whispered as i felt lukes head turn abit as he was opening my door.

"Thats the only door key we hav-e" I hiccuped into his back as he locked the bedroom door just to be sade as we were getting near my bed .

As Luke plopped me down on my bed, he noticed the cold look in my face, even i knew he could tell this was so hard to fix. He looked at me in the eyes, and wrapped his arms round my waist as he was crouched down infront of me. Suddenly i felt his perfect figure crawl ontop of me and push me down on the bed, he kissed my kneck and then lay down beside me and wrapped his arms around me. I felt myself cuddling next to his burying my head deeply into his body. I was so hurt my mum did the exact same thing my dad did to me.

"Brimmey?" Luke asked leaning his head close to mine, i could feel his hot breath lingering around my head.

I lifted my head up so we were face to face lying down on the bed next to eachover, he then smiled as i felt his breathing pattern go all funny.

"You know i think your beautiful right?" He asked staring straight into my eyes. Suddenly i felt my eyes widen as i blushed. He- He- He thinks im beautiful. I kept repeating his words beautiful, b e a u t i f u l.

I lowered my head to try and not show my blushing. I smiled and looked up.

"No, im not luke, but thanks for trying to cheer me up." I replyed looking so frustrated, after long years of people knocking my confidence down, taking a compliment was harder than believeing all these nasty words people say to me.

"You are tho Brimmey, please, look at me. Everytime i am around you i cant help but just... Think it. Or even when im not with you i-i just think... about you, all the time." Luke stuttered begginning to play with the sleeve on his jacket, looking me in the eye i could tell he meant it but at this moment my head refused to believe it.

Suddenly i pushed myself off the bed with the rest of the energy i had left in me, for some reason i became so angry.

"Luke, i know you want to make me feel better but nothing can mend this, no word, nothing, i dont need lies said to me for me to be happy again." I began to shout, tears streamed down my face. I felt like Luke didnt care, yet i knew he did.

"Brimmey, i-" Suddenly i felt myslef dipping my head into my hands, then as i looked straight back up i walked towards the door trying to unlock it.

Suddenly, i felt a figure dash towards the door pushing me against the wall looking into my eyes. I felt my breath quicken as i looked into his eyes. Suddenly 2 large hands cupped my face, as he looked into my eyes i notcied his chest rising quicker and quicker as i knew he was about to speak,

"You are so damn perfect to me, you dont understand" Luke whispered so quietly into my ear, as i looked into his eye i notcied them filling and a tear spilling down his cheek. I sighed out of guilt, if only Luke knew how mad i was about him.

Lukes hand trailed across my cheek which was already begginning to bruise, i flinched as his cold skin touched the surface of my cheek. He leant forward kissing it better, making me smile, as he leaned back out his hand which was on my cheek had trailed down to wasit gripping me tightly and closer to his body. Then he leant forward and whispered something to me...

"I love you."

Suddenly i felt his head dip perfectly into mine, his breath was fast but soft, his lips looked so soft yet rough on the surface. My breathing pattern began to get faster as his lips were so close to mine, his breath was so warm i just needed him so badly.

As his lips crashed on mine my butterlys in my stomach was going crazy, my heart was beating so fast, our lips moved in sync as we stood there for a good few moments kissing.

God, his lips wereperfection, they were like cookies and milk, he was like cookies and milk, he was perfect. As my lips were connected to his still, i realised something, something that automatically made my heart freeze and burst.

i am in love with Luke hemmings.


short but havent had a lot of time to write latelyy,sorryyyy-

thanks for the 100+readss, more votes and comments and i will update more often, need something to keep me going on this fanficc

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