Chapter 3

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Brimmeys POV;

As my alarm went off waking me from my deep sleep, I could smell sausage, bacon, egg and bean drifting around the air in my bedroom... 

"Hmmm, thats smells s-s-so good!" I whispered to myself in my morning voice, my Mum always knew how to make the best breakfast. After at least a good 10 minutes of having a debate with myself i finally decided to get up and get ready for my first day at my new school,

I was actually so scared to go, i carefull planned out what to wear so i would blend in with the people around me, i decided to go quite casual today putting on my matcing pants and bra, black and white checkered short-sleeved shirt with some pale blue jeans, some white ankle socks and my black converse. I brushed my white teeth making sure every inch of them was clean, having braces for 3 years was hard and i do not want to have them back again.  After I was changed, i decided to do my makeup, today i just put on some foundation, thin-thin eyeliner with a little flick and some mascara on afterwards. It was so hard covering the freckles rangeing from the bottom of my nose to right under my eyes. It was weird, they would only actually stay on my nose, I always think they are one of the most ugliest features I have.

"Why won't they bloody cover, cover yoursel-" As i was about to scream the house down about my impossible freckles, my mobile phone began to ring violently. *UNKNOWN NUMBER* I decided to take this risk, its not like  some stalker will be ringing me on my first day of school.

"Urm hello-o...?" I asked dragging my 'hello' out into the phone. I began to frown as no one was answering me, i could her sniggers behind the phone. "Can you please tell me who this is to be quite honest, i'm not going to put up with this crap, not today!" I began to yell into the phone.

"Brimmey, you are my favourite person ever!" I head the familiar voice cackle down the phone. As i began to think about that voice i just remembered. Ash. I gave him y number the day i met him at the airport.

"Ashton Irwin, don't you dare do that to me again." I demanded into the phone with the most motherly voice i coud put on. I began to laugh as Ashton generally sounded speechless.

"Oh, oh i'm so-so-sorry mother." He giggle but then after a few seconds he stopped. Shit, his mum, he doesnt live with her no more.

"Ash, urm, i'm sorry-" Ash swooped in and cut off my words, i felt so guilty for trying to make this joke, now i feel even worse about my day.

"Its fine, trust me babe, anyway i wanted to ring to wish you luck on your first day, everything will be fine okay just to let you know!" Ashton reasurred me as i felt his huge grin through the phone. Babe hey? "Also, my 3 other band mates go this school too, ooh crap i forgot to tell you about them, anyway my toast is going to burn soon so goodluck!" Ashton suddenly slammed the phone down leaving me on a dead line. Breakfast, oh my god! I forgot my mum coocked me food at least 30 minutes ago.

I dashed down stairs running as fast as my little legs would take me. Damn you mother nature, why couldn't i have been born with abnormaly long legs. As i came into the kitchen and sat on the breakfast bar, i noticed my mum sipping on some wine looking very angry. My mum never drinks, let alone in the mornings? I began to much my food down, i needed as much energy as i could for the day, i began to look at my mum and as we caught eye contact she noticed my puzzled face. As she looked towards her wine she began to panic slightly as she quickly explained herself.

"A little kick to start the day!" She cheered witht the most fakest smile plastered on her face. "One drink won't hurt darling; the bus is coming in 10 minutes so quickly hurry and get your stuff together!"

Why did she have to remind me, i could have missed the bus and saved my self from this. I thengrabbed my bag and darted round the loop from the kitchen, through the living room, then the front door. I jumped outside expecting to be alone, until i saw at least 5 other kids on my street waiting at the school bus stop. 2 kids turned there heads around to face me, as i made eye contact with them both I began to walk towards them. One of them had very dark brown hair, they had gorgeous big brown eyes with slightly tanned skin, he pulled the biggest grin at me and winked at me, he noticed i got all shy as i put my head down to the floor smiling. As i turned my head to look at the boy next to him, i felt butterflys in my stomach, this boy was perfect, or the one you could say in other words. He was at least 6ft tall, he had burning blue eyes with were so bright and crystal-like. His blonde hair was slid upwards into a quiff style, he turned round and gave me a little shy smile. I blushed like hell, my cheeks went super red as i tried to hide them. 

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