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I have been running away from a lot of my problems, I noticed. Like that time when I kicked Natsu out of his chair when we were fighting about the wedding with Juvia and I being the center of attention. Or that time when I went off and cried in the bathroom the day of the wedding because I didn't think I wanted to go through with it. And not to long ago when Natsu told me to get away from him.

I haven't really thought about talking through things that are on my mind when I felt troubled. It would've been a good idea, and it made me wonder what kind of difference it would've made on me today.

I stopped running for a moment, taking in a deep breath and continued again. I knew exactly where I was going. At this time, I had a feeling that this person wouldn't be up right now. They were never up during this hour anyways. But some how, tonight was an odd night. The light in their bedroom was still on.

A smirk crept up my lips as I grabbed part of a brick from the building and started climbing up. I haven't been here since who knows how long. But this place used to be the spot for almost everyone.

I reached the windows and gave it a light shove, not being surprised that it was unlocked. I climbed through the window and onto the bed below it, earning a scream from across the room. There, stood in the bathroom doorway, was Lucy herself. A towel was wrapped around her body with water dripping down her skin. Her face was extremely shocked and I laughed at her.

The blonde female growled at me, her towel falling out from underneath her arms. Another squeal, except this time she turned away.

"Geez, who knew my stripping habit was contagious?" I snickered, earning a loud "Shut up!" from across the room. I sat facing the open window, feeling the warm air on my back and the cold air on my face. I let Lucy change before she let me look in her direction again.

"I thought you were gonna be Natsu. I was so prepared to throw a heel at you," Lucy said as she sat down on a chair, pointing at a red heel that sat a few inches away. I rolled my eyes at her comment and started poking at her blanket, looking around her apartment.

She rearranged her furniture slightly. Nothing much had really changed to her place.

"So what brings you here at this time of night?" Lucy asked, trying to fill in the silence. I looked down at her blanket, shrugging my shoulders. My expression wasn't too convincing, for she came and sat down next to me. Her face was soft and peaceful. The blonde's head was cocked to the side as she tried to get a good look at my face. She then sighed and laid back on her bed.

"Is it about Juvia?"

"How did you know?" My head snapped in her direction. A smile crept up her lips, and she sat back up again. She pointed a hand to her head.

"Who else would it be? It's way too late to be anyone else."

I sighed in defeat, looking back at the blanket. We sat there in peace for what felt like forever. After a while, I shifted to the floor when Lucy took up the rest of her bed. My head rested against the mattress with my hands behind it as I looked up at the pop corn ceiling she had. I took sudden interest in it, trying to see how many shapes I could make out of each tiny piece of the textured dry wall.

"What happened?" Lucy sounded very tired with her question, like she was on the verge of sleeping. I didn't feel like talking much, but I guess that's why I came here in the first place. I needed to talk to someone. I sighed, looking down at the floor. My pants were gone, but I could give two shits about it. Lucy was now in a position where her head hung off the bed, her eyes gazing at me.

"Juvia told me she doesn't want me anywhere near Natsu anymore. She didn't give me a good reason, so I said no."

I jumped when I heard the sudden sound of thunder. And not even a second later did it start to pour.

Lucy made a tsk sound, shaking her head. She then positioned herself back to her original spot. After a couple more minutes, Lucy said, "You should go talk to her about it."

"And to hell with that! I don't care, I'm not going back there for millions of years. She tried to tell me what I can and can't do. I'm not living with someone who wants to tell me how to live my life!" My tone was loud, but I was angry. That was my simple excuse. Lucy didn't seem to care either way. I was over Juvia's crazy ass nonsense.

Lucy didn't say anything else that night, and I didn't say anything either. The only thing I did was turn off the light and fall asleep on the floor.

The next morning, I didn't go to the guild hall. Knowing Juvia, she would probably wait all day and night for me to show up instead of actually looking for me.

The sky was gray and it was still pouring outside. I already knew it wasn't natural, since it came faster than me snapping my fingers.

I was alone in Lucy's apartment, since the blonde didn't want to make Juvia suspicious about her not being there when I'm not there either since I told her I would probably stay there for a while. Going to Natsu's would be way too obvious.

I made myself the last two pieces of bacon Lucy had for breakfast, sitting down at her desk and reading through her newly written novel. I was debating on whether or not I read the old one, but I already knew what was going to happen in it anyways.

Her new novel wasn't that long, and it wasn't as interesting as her other one. Once I finished my bacon, I left the plate at her desk and searched around her apartment.

And there was literally nothing to do.

I sat on the floor staring at the wall for what felt like an hour.

Lucy came back with groceries for the week. She was shocked to see me beg to leave the house.

"It's your life, not mine," she said on her way out the door.

After about a few minutes, I left her apartment to take a little walk. The rain was lighter that it was earlier that morning.

I took a walk around the park, to the river, and cautiously around the guild hall. I took a peak inside one of the windows to see if she was there at all. Once I was sure, I casually walked inside like nothing happened.

Except everyone was staring at me.

"You're such an idiot!" Gajeel yelled at me as soon as I walked through the doors, his finger pointing at my chest.

"Juvia is your wife! Why'd ya make her cry?"

So she didn't tell them the whole story. Crying was her own fault about it. Everything about the situation was her own fault.

I pushed Gajeel aside and made my way over to Mirajane, listening to the sudden whispers being spread around the guild hall.

And I was glad Mira looked concerned for me, because Juvia yelled at both her and Erza, too. The silver only shook her head as the others took small glances in my direction. The scarlet haired woman on the other side of the guild hall looked like she was ready to do something, but Mira gave her a look that calmed her down.

"What was the conversation from yesterday even about?" I curiously asked, only to have Mira shake her head.

"I can't tell you. It's unimportant."

I didn't believe her, but I let it go anyways. I was too busy feeling all the stares on my back. And it made me regret coming here in the first place. After about five minutes, I left. I went back to Lucy's apartment, because now I had another problem. Telling the guild the true story.

I didn't think it would be that hard, but almost everyone was convinced that it was my fault that Juvia cried.

It made me wonder if Natsu was there at all, if he thought I made Juvia cry. He did see her yank me out of the guild hall the night before.

I sighed when I heard the door to Lucy's apartment click open, the blonde female peaking inside. Except she wasn't alone. Natsu trailed inside behind her.

"Guess what Ice Block? I believe you."

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