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Okay, maybe my plan seems pretty dumb, it's kids' stuff, but I think it'll work. After calming Ruby finally and forcing her to lie down on one of the couches so she could sleep a little, I came to the conclusion that I don't need to kill all those zombies, I just need to lead them away from my precious runaway. I need a diversion, something to force them to move, but I can't go out there running and start screaming waving a red flag... they're walking dead, not bulls, and I'm not a bullfighter despite being Spanish, so I've something else in mind. A loud explosion far from the runaway would work but unfortunately I don't have a RPG at hand so... Why not build one?

I've spent all night searching in the cabinets till I found all the things I needed while that nonstop hum in the background was getting on my nerves: PVC pipes, glue, an electric lighter, a lid, some valves... I've been designing, gluing, testing... till finally, just before dawn, I've finished my craft project: a potato cannon but, instead of launching potatoes, mine will launch hand grenades to the far side of the runaway, they'll explode and the noise will get the attention of the zombies while we fly away from here literally. A very simple plan and that's why I know it'll work perfectly. There's not enough light yet to carry out the plan so I leave everything ready, I take a quick shower and go into de plane to check on the systems and have some breakfast. Ruby is sitting on the couch, lost in her thoughts staring into space, her skin is pale and her eyes are red, I think she hasn't slept at all; even the doggies look worried sitting by her side. Shit! I need to bring her out of that shock state right now so playing the role of a supportive wife it's over. I walk with determination towards her and I kneel down between her legs placing my hands on her shoulders but she isn't reacting at all. I shake her vigorously.

"Ruby, look at me!" I order with my best tone of command, the one that makes new recruits' legs tremble when I teach them shooting lessons occasionally. My wife blinks confused but she obeys and stares back at me frowning. "You're going to get up, take a shower, eat something and then go sitting in the cockpit. And I' going to take you away from here alive and well. Am I clear?" She nods but that's not enough for me at this point. "Am I clear?!?!" I repeat sternly but without raising my tone of voice making her wince a little.

"Yes," she whispers out loud after swallowing hard.

"Fine because I need you to trust me, I need you focused and obeying my orders without hesitation. If I'm worried about you, I can't do my job properly. Do you understand it?"

"Yes," she answers with conviction. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, honey," my tone of voice is soft and sweet again. "I know you're scared and very tired but I need Ruby back, the one that can knock a zombie's brains out with a metal bar from a hanger." The memory of her feat brings a smile to her face catching my eye, those lips are absolutely perfect and that's why they've sold millions of lipsticks all over the world. "This isn't the right moment, Iselen" I scold myself while I lean my face forward but, at the last moment, I tilt my head slightly to kiss her on her cheek very close to her delectable mouth. Fuck! This fake marriage will finish me off. I pull away to let her get up and she goes to do what I've told her while I take her dogs out of the plane for a last walk around the hangar and then I eat a light meal. When she comes back from the bathroom my girls looks nervous at my handmade cannon and grenades, biting her beautiful lower lip when she understands my intentions. Then she runs into the plane to have breakfast and seat in her place.

I check the time, the sun's coming up outside and the hum is going down in intensity. Inside the cockpit Ruby is fastening her seatbelt while I turn on the engines, check on the systems for the last time and take the break off. I look thoughtfully through the windows frowning and I make a quick decision: I take one of the blankets and spread it on my wife's lap, then I place her three dogs on the blanket and wrap them firmly; Ru complains barking but I don't let her go. "Hold them tight, just in case it turns out to be a bumpy ride." She nods, looking at me still worried but calmer than before, I think she's decided to trust me. "The moment you hear the explosion, you push that button to open the hangar door, all right?" She nods again and whispers: "Be careful." I wink at her and leave the plane.

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