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"Oh God... please have mercy..."

"Nope... You got yourself into this mess... and now you have to deal with the consequences..."

"How the hell was l supposed to know that...?" Ruby gasps for air and is unable to finish her question.

I stare entranced at my two fingers disappearing inside her pussy while I thrust them slowly, very deeply, and I turn them to rub the wall of her uterus with my fingertips before removing them. I repeat my movements: thrust, turn, remove... my wife arches her back on the blue rug of our bedroom, the colour makes a perfect contrast with her sweaty skin and colourful tattoos. I thrust my fingers one more time, tortuously slowly, and this time I open and close them inside her making sure that I'm rubbing a very sensitive spot before removing them again. Ruby tries to close her legs but my own body kneeled down between them stops her. I start pumping faster following the rhythm of mi words while Ruby's body twists in front of me.

"I told you that a pair of handcuffs was part of my equipment... and you didn't believe me because according to you 'that was more of a cop thing...' I asked you if you wanted a proof of this... and now you're handcuffed to the leg of the bed and there's nothing you can do..."

My fingers go in and out Ruby's drenched pussy very fast while she arches her back again and screams out loud, she shakes her hands trying to release but her wrists are firmly handcuffed to the leg of the bed and I have the only key. However, I don't want her soft skin getting hurt with the metallic edges... maybe I should take pity on her...

"Iselen please... I love you... please..." I look at her raising an eyebrow while I rub my fingertips in circles all over her pussy walls.

"You're lucky because I love you too... and I'm generous..."

I lower my head and slide my hot tongue over Ruby's throbbing clit while I keep rubbing with my fingers. Her yell echoes through the room and Ru barks worried on the other side of the door. I lick again, this time putting more pressure and she tries to hold back her screams panting hard. I slip my tongue back and forth over her swollen and hard clit, it's delicious, perfect, I could stay my whole life with my head between her legs. My wife's breathing becomes more and more erratic and she twists without control under my body, her hips start bucking at the same pace of my fingers pumping inside her. Catching the sensitive nub between my lips I start sucking it aggressively till I feel all her muscles getting tensed and her back arches impossibly. Ruby cums under my mouth with her head tilted back, yelling at the top of her lungs not caring about her dogs barking or the entire bunker hearing us, her body convulses so hard that the bed frame is shaking too. I take advantage of the fact that she's handcuffed and keep flicking her clit with my tongue fast, extending her orgasm while she can't stop screaming.

"No, no, no, please..." My fingers go in and out her body at a feverish pace and my tongue rubs her core merciless till she arches her back again with a high-pitched scream and this time her ecstasy comes with a rush of her own juices soaking my hand, the rug and my chin. I look up shocked while Ruby's body falls limp gasping for air with her eyes closed and her hands over her head still handcuffed to the leg of the bed. I remove my fingers slowly and the sound of her drenched pussy seems to catch my wife's attention that stares at me confused when she realizes that my chin is dripping. She raises her head slightly and looks at our ruined rug frowning confused till her brain comes down from her high and she realizes what has happened. She stares at me with her eyes wide open.

"I've... I've never... before..."

"You've never cummed so hard that you ended up squirting?" A smug grin spreads across my face before I bring my fingers to my mouth to lick them. I can't help moaning at her taste and Ruby pants in response.

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