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Two days later my wife is taking a shower while I shove our breakfast in a basket: I've decided to surprise Ruby with something very special, I've had to ask for some favours to get it but it was worth it. My girl is adapting well to the lifestyle in the bunker, I've spent these last days showing her where everything is, we've trained together in the gym and we've watched some movies. We 've had most of our meals at home or with my family. Ruby gets along well with my sisters-in-law and the kids love her since she lets them walk her pets... Everything seems fine but I know that's not true: she's having nightmares night after night and sometimes she remains quiet staring into space, I know she's thinking about what's happening outside, about all those friends she's left behind and her former life. I'm going to try to cheer her up today and I hope she'll be able to relax a little so she can talk to me about her concerns because otherwise I won't be able to help her. I get the impression that she was serious when she promised me not to give me any problems and she's keeping lots of things to herself. That's a bad idea given that I start working tomorrow following a regular schedule with my comrades, we'll be in charge of different tasks in the refuge and our training schedule will be very hard. I won't be able to watch her all the time.

One knock at the door brings me back to reality. I walk through the living room dodging Charlie that is jumping of joy, literally... I can guess who's on the other side... I confirm all my suspicions when I open the door: Lucas and Samuel smile at me while Ru joins Charlie to greet them barking. Poking my head through the door I look at one side of the corridor and then at the other one, I raise an eyebrow and ask worried:

"Where are the twins?"

"They're finishing their breakfast, they aren't allowed to leave the table if they don't eat the whole bowl of fruit," answers Lucas while he puts the leash on the dogs and Samuel takes their toys. "You know what? Despite the fact that you're a grown green beret sometimes it seems to me that you're scared of the twins..."

"I'm terrified of them. Those two can frighten the panic itself... it's been only five days since they live here and they've already clogged up a pipe, they've looted one of the chocolate bars' machines and they've had a race of golf carts through the corridors..."

"It could be worse. They've tried to find black paint to make the golf cart look like Vin Diesel's car in the movie Fast & Furious and Julian swore that he was going to get his head shaved if they found it."

"Julian swore what?" My wife stands behind me with her eyes wide open due to concern. She's wearing dark blue jeans and a white muscle shirt, her hair is wet and there's no trace of make-up on her face... however she looks like the Hollywood star she's from head to toe. I swear to God she's getting prettier everyday... how does she manage to do that?

"Don't worry, he never found the black paint... We're going to take your dogs for a walk, apparently your wife has planned a romantic breakfast for you. Enjoy it." Lucas winks at Ruby before closing the door; she turns around to look at me confused while I feel my cheeks burning of embarrassment.

"I've never said romantic breakfast," I assure her blushing even more. "I just want to take you to a special place. Ignore them... Come on, put on your sneakers and let's go. No, you won't need your hoodie."

I walk along our corridor carrying the basket without looking at her but thinking of how much I'd really want the breakfast to be 'romantic.' Feeding Ruby strawberries with my fingers and then kissing her must be wonderful... I shake my head to clear my mind, these thoughts don't help me at all and it'd be better for me to forget about them. Fortunately, the hall is almost empty since everybody is in the dining area so we get into an elevator immediately. My wife looks around like she isn't used to the magnitude of all this yet despite I've been touring her around the bunker for the last two days. I frown when I remember something...

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