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The three of us were all currently sat around feeling sorry for ourselves at home even though Dad had miraculously pulled through, and managed to be brought out of the coma, he was still in hospital.

Charlotte was living in our house, which according to her and the government, was 'rightfully hers' which was absolute horseshit but the one thing I've learnt from this woman is that she always wins.

Oggy was laying on my chest as we both watched old reruns of the cartoon of Tom and Jerry in the living room until Charlotte walked in. "So why hasn't this boyfriend of yours rang to see how you are yet?" She asks in her stuck up tone.

"We're not together anymore." I bluntly tell her, ignoring the pang in my chest of the thought of it all.

"Oh, did he finally realise he was better off without some miserable cretin like you?" She sneers and I shrug, not bothering to give her the reaction she wanted mainly because I felt so drained anyway.

"Probably, yeah," I simply agree with her.

"Hey, don't fucking talk to her like that, I told you before," Benny snaps, scowling at her from across the room.

"Alright precious, don't get your knickers in a twist, you remind me of your father when you try and protect your sister like that. Always trying to be the good guy but making it worse for everyone else in the process." Charlotte taunts, stepping closer to Oggy and I.

"What do you mean everyone else?" Ben questions and as soon as he does, Charlotte thumps me around the face, knocking the wind out of me for a second. I could feel my cheek throbbing from the pain and could hear Oggy yelp.

"Og, go get some ice," Benny orders before pushing Charlotte off me and pinning her up against the wall. "Don't you fucking lay your hands on her!" He screams, hopefully frightening Charlotte. "You don't like me, you don't like any of us! So why the hell are you here?! Are you that evil that you can't leave your own children alone? Dad was literally on his deathbed and you still wanted to make it worse for all of us! What did we ever do to you?!"

"Get off me!" She yells, shoving Ben's arms away from her before storming out of the room.

"Are you okay?" Ben's face was filled with concern as he examines my injury.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I brush it off, taking the bag of peas from Oggy's hands and placing it on my cheek.

"You need to get out of here, Vi. Go back to LA and be with your friends, go back to work."

I shake my head, "I'm not going to leave you guys or Dad, something might happen."

"But you're the only one she's hit," Oggy adds.

"So that means she'll turn on one of you if I go," I say.

Benny sighs, "Hey, will you shut up? It's shit seeing my little sister get the shit beaten out of her by our own mother, I don't want to see you get hurt anymore!"

"And I don't want any of you to get hurt!" I raise my voice.

"Violet, the only reason she's picking on you is because you're tiny compared to us! We can fight back, we've got a good seven inches on her!" Oggy exclaims.

"Still, no one can help us until dad gets better. That's when he can tell her to piss off again and get legal custody over us." I say.

"She's right," Benny replies, "But Oggy's right saying that you should get out of here. You've been stuck here without work for two months, stuck with Charlotte whilst we've at school and work. It's not healthy. You need to see your friends, go on, Violet. I won't let anything happen to Og."

"I'm not leaving you guys. They said I don't have to be back until we start filming season 3!"

Benny groans, "Stop moping about and sort yourself out! It's like you want to stay here! I know you're scared of us getting hurt but we'll be fine, Dad's coming around faster than you think!"

I sigh, contemplating the decision for a minute. "You ring me when Dad comes around, yeah? And tell me if Charlotte does anything?"

"We promise," Oggy nods.

"So you're going back?" Benny cocks his brow and I nod, taking the bag of peas off my cheek.

"Only so you two'll shut up."

roses are red, violets are too | joe keeryWhere stories live. Discover now