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i know i was happier with you

nattyiceofficial: violetbparker told you...

junebridges: nattyiceofficial violetbparker about what? this is about how he's happier with me obviously

usery: violetbparker omg

userg: violetbparker

userd: violetbparker jsjshs

usera: violetbparker

userk: violetbparker

userj: violetbparker he loves u

usert: violetbparker

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I was in my trusty old hotel room with Dacre having a nice night in watching film after film after film when I saw that Natalia had tagged me in something.

I swiped my phone to see a post of Joe's with the caption 'I know I was happier with you' and within milliseconds my heart was in my mouth and I couldn't control my tears. I missed him. I missed him so much. No matter how hard I tried to show that I didn't, I couldn't deny that I did.

For the past eight months I had spent my time with Joe, laughed with him, done everything with him and it's all over. Just like that. Just because I was frustrated at my dad's situation and everything on top.

But I couldn't change anything now. That caption wasn't about me. He probably hates me for breaking up with him. He's with June now, anyway. She's gorgeous and knows what she wants, even if she does remind me I'm not with Joe anymore on a daily basis.

Joe doesn't need me and my baggage in his life, he's young, he can be seeing the world not worrying about me and my family issues.

I didn't even realise I was still crying my eyes out until Dacre pulled me on top of him and started rubbing my back. "Violet, you're gonna be okay. You're gonna find someone just as good as Joe, someone even better than him, and you're gonna forget he ever existed. I know it's hard right now, but it'll get better, it has to!" Dacre's coos with his surprisingly soothing thick Australian accent.

"I'm such an idiot!" I blubber out, feeling stupid for ever dumping him.

"No, you're not. Things were difficult for you and instead of ignoring you for months and going back to his bitchy ex, he should've been there for you." He retorts firmly. "Focus on things with that Timothée guy, he seems nice. You like him, right?"

I nod, sniffing and wiping my eyes once I calmed down.

"So go for it, Vi! What's stopping you?! Joe? Don't let him. He missed his chance with you, he couldn't appreciate how funny and caring you are, so be with someone who will!" Dacre cheerfully tries to life my spirits and it begins to work as a small smile appears on my face. He moves my hair out of my face and plants a kiss on my cheek and gives me his award winning smile.

"Thanks, Dacre," I croak before sniffing again.

"That's what best friends are for, hey?" He grins as I snuggle up to him and continue to watch some random film.

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