About Me & The Three Rs

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Hi! My name's Ayesha and I'm a sixteen year old writer, crafter, calligrapher and book reviewer! My other talents include never being satisfied with my blog's name and changing it at least once a month. If you're looking for a book recommendation, or a book to avoid or simply anyone to discuss books with, irrespective of our interests, then you're at the right place. Welcome to my book blog! I hope you enjoy your stay.

Last year, I started blogging about books I loved, where I mostly added a bit of *This*, *Omg*, *Feels* plus lots of flashy gifs and books which annoyed the hell out of me where I mostly rambled about how said book made my life worse. Mostly the latter because I find it easier to critisize a book than praise it. Yeah. That's the kind of horrible person I am.

My reviews have obviously grown from My Little Pony gifs and fangirl nonsense to proper, detailed recounts of my reading experiences(s) and while I don't easy give five stars, I wouldn't really call myself a critical reviewer. I'm no professional, I rarely use big words and my writing is shittier than shit but hey, the only way to improve your writing is by writing more.

This is obviously not a proper story or novel but if you find any grammatical errors, typos or anything wrong which bugs you, please let me know! I'll love you forever. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing so your feedback will be very much helpful. However, kindly refrain from being impolite or you'll be simply blocked.

Do keep in mind that I'll occasionally swear in my reviews. So, if that does not float on your boat, then I would suggest you to sail away. I hope to write a book one day (Wishful thinking, I know) and that's probably never going to happen but it won't hurt to dream, right?

As of now, I'm currently in high school, a tired and angry science student. I've never really known what to do with my life because my interests change faster than Tyler Oakley 's hair. But whatever it is, whether I end up becoming a Doctor or an Engineer on an Author, I'll never abandon my books. Ever. I'll always be reading and writing.

So, uh. If you've managed to read this far without getting a migraine then I applaud you and you might as well be able to read my upcoming rants and rambles. Be prepared for a shitload of poorly written reviews as I fail to explain why I loved/hated the said book.

Rating System:

🍕 One slice of Pizza: Didn't like the book, hated it even. I probably found this so boring that I couldn't finish it. If it's a series, I'm probably never going continue reading them.

🍕🍕 Two slices of Pizza: It was okay, I only liked few things about it and/or just liked the premise. There were many elements which I loathe with a burning passion. Continuing the series is unlikely.

🍕🍕🍕 Three slices of Pizza: Books which had the potential to be good but sadly, failed. I only liked it but couldn't love it and/or don't really buy the hype. I really liked the storyline but had problems with the characters and certain aspects. I have a hatexlove relationship with these books.

🍕🍕🍕🍕 Four slices of Pizza: (Favorites) Really liked this one! I would probably reread these books, loved the characters, plot, writing, settings, etc. However, there is room for improvement and I didn't like some minor elements of the book.

🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕 Five slices of Pizza: (FAVORITES) Rare books, not impossible but rare. I would really turn them into horcruxes. These books have made me laugh, cry, gotten me frustrated, angry, etc. I adored the characters, found myself transported into the fictional worlds and felt sad when the series/book ended. They may not necessarily be perfect but if they make me want to sacrifice my soul then that's fine too.

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