Chapter 2

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A.N: Warning I have never written a guy's perspective especially Owens, please no Kaylie haters, I'm not sure if I'm gonna have her introduced or just stick to the Blackbourne team this is just a 9RH I'm not feeling adventurous enough to try and get all 14/ 15 guys here for me it's way too many for my first fic. As always THANK YOU so much for taking time out of your day to read this it means the world to me I'm still in awe that it has already gotten over 100 reads. That makes me over the moon with happiness!!! A few characters are my own but the rest are C.Ls this is purely for my enjoyment and a creative release, nice criticism is always welcome.

Owens POV:

Driving up to my favorite cafe where Ms. Sang works is going to be the highlight of my day, I didn't sleep last night Mr. Taylor Sr. got caught up in a mission that was only supposed to take ten minutes and it lasted until about 3 am this morning. I was the only person on the team that was able to make a distraction big enough so Mr. Taylor Sr. could get out in one piece and not have holes through him. Shaking my head out to get the thought of what could have happened last night out of my head I grab my morning paper that I wasn't able to read yesterday and get out of my car right as Mr. Haude flips the lock and turns the open sign on.

Heading into Harri's cafe I spot Mr. Haude standing behind the register getting the till ready for the day, being it only 5 am he's ahead of schedule for him. Nodding at him and heading to my normal booth waiting for my beautiful waitress to come out. While reading the latest news in Charleston as of yesterday I hear Mr. Haude yell out for Ms. Sang to get up front, Hmm that's my booty be careful there old man she's mine. Shaking the thought out of my head I look up and spot sweet Sang finishing tying up her apron and hugging Mr. Haude back after their good mornings. Ha! She's hiding from me, silly girl when will she learn I care for her.

Heading my way with coffee just the way I like it I let go of the control I have so carefully set in my life and just be a young twenty-two-year-old flirting with a beautiful girl, I let a smirk come across my face

"Hey there Owen your here earlier than expected, why the change?" Sang questions with a haunting curiosity in her bright emerald green eyes that I have come to see in my dreams whenever I do get to sleep.

"Some things came up later today and I still wanted to see my favorite waitress before things got too hectic," I responded making her blush making my smirk even more pronounced knowing that I have that power to make her blush like that.

"Someones feeling cheeky today, I like it," She responded making the blush go even further down, I wonder how far that blush goes... Owen Blackbourne, NO that is not ok, she is a sweetheart, you like her don't scare her off. "...Garden omelet or the special?" Sang questioned missing the first part of her question because of my self-reparation I'll pull on my inner Sean and see where this goes.

"I'll take the garden omelet today and maybe a side of you later on," I responded, trying to keep my blush at bay while trying to keep my laughter at bay so I don't terrify her but a small chuckle breaks out at exactly how red she goes, it's beautiful I wish I was as talented as Mr. Coleman at the moment so then I would be able to paint or draw her image later on.

"K that will be right up, before I go, Is everything ok? You know you can talk to me, right?" my stunning girl asked with true concern in her eyes, I guess I wasn't as good as hiding my troubles from her as I thought.

"Yeah Sang everything is fine, just had a late night with some of my guys last night," I told her telling her only part of the truth cause I'm still on last night but I did give her what the guys call my millimeter smile just to show that I was touched by her concern for me. Her responding smile was blinding but I loved it, letting myself watch her walk to the cook,  that little vixen was putting an extra swing in her step, she knew I would be watching. Letting my smile grow a little while shifting in my booth I went back to reading my paper stealing glances at Sangs small but very shapely body flit around taking orders and getting everything ready for when Mrs. Anderson comes in. This girl is surrounded by Academy but doesn't have a clue.

"Order Up!" I heard being yelled out,

"Thanks, babe!" I heard ms. Sang respond, I had to grit my teeth not to go over there and correct her she was mine and I don't share very well with anyone who isn't my family. He's Academy he knows who I am, catching Mr. Grater's eyes I tell him that she's mine and he better back off. He responds with a look worthy of Sean reading 'No duh I know this'. All within this little interaction Sang was walking towards me with a fresh pot of coffee, man she spoils me I know there is still a half of a pot let of the stuff I got this morning and my omelet. A corny pickup line that I heard Mr. Korba tell Sean about the other day pops into my head, time to see if it works.

"Hey, there need more coffee yet?" Sang question with her true smile, not that fake thing she pasted on this morning, what she likes to call her server smile, I nod my head and give her my small smile.

"Yes please, hey can I ask you a question?" I question now slightly nervous going to fix my tie but remembering before it's too late that I was wearing one of the sweaters Mr.Coleman put in my closet this morning. I wanted something different for Sang, not the stuffy Owen I need to be around everyone else in order to have control.

Sang's smile dims a little with worry but it still there, "Sure anything, just no guarantee that I will answer," she answers with a wink, Oh that wink shifting a little more in my booth hopeful that her watchful eyes don't catch the movement.

"I was wondering if you knew CPR," I asked a little embarrassed at the situation I put myself into it seems almost weekly with this woman.

Slightly perplexed at my random question she answers honestly, "Well yeah I do I've been certified since I was 16, why do you ask?"

"Because you take my breath away with your smile," I tell her and let my mask fall away and give her one of my true smiles that only one other person has seen and lived to tell about it. Sang my beautiful girl turns around and mutters under her breath something that sounded like I think it's me who needs it, that just made me smile all the more knowing that I affected her in such a way, maybe I should smile more if it means that much to her.

Mrs. Anderson gracefully comes into the dining area, hugging Sang to her, I'm glad she has taken Sang under her wing there is no better person for Sang well except for me. I can't wait till we are able to take this further along than just flirting back and forth once a week. BUZZ BUZZ, looking at my phone with a sigh I see that Mr. Lee is updating me on what is going on with Mr. Griffin and his mom, where they have relocated being on Sunnyvale near Mr. Lee and his mom and sister for the time being. At least that will make those two closer to one another, I know Mr. Lee missed his brother when he had to go on the run with his mom while hiding from Mr. Griffin Sr. while the Academy took care of him. Going back to my paper and omelet before it went cold I heard the front bell ding announcing some new customers I glanced up to see three of the Toma team members here to get some food.

Their relationship with Ms. Winchester is good for them, I wonder if my team will ever find one bird to share with all of us. I feel Ms. Sang's eyes on me as she steals glances my way, I'm half tempted to look back up at her just to show her that's she's not that sneaky. Hearing her start to move around again after taking the Toma's order I look up to see she's writing something on my bill, she should know that I know how much it is, what is she doing with that cute pink pen of hers? Heading my way, she is just one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on and she doesn't even know it.

"Hey Owen I hope your day doesn't get too hectic but if it does and you have time," taking a deep breath to calm her nerves that are close to overtaking, "here's my number," she says quickly, not thinking, I reach up to grab her hand.

"Thank you, Ms. Sang, I will treasure it and I will send you a text later on today so you will have my number as well," I responded letting her know that I have been waiting for this for a while now. I could have figured it out before this but I didn't want to tip off my brothers about her.

Turning away from me Sang starts to trip on what I'm not sure, not that it mattered. Next thing I knew I was up catching her before she falls and she truly looked into my eyes for the first time and a vision took over me...

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