Chapter 9! (YAY!)

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 Chapter 9

Hey y'all! I know this took forever and a day but thanks to a little (A LOT) of help from  who pushed me to write and wrote the last half because my busy schedule! She has been an immense help in this process of writing. This is not the end, I have more plans for this story and I will do my best to not let 9 months go by without posting. But mind you I am a full time college student and working two jobs. This is a de-stresser for me and I am so thankful for those who have been patient with me and for all the new readers, every vote and comment in a push to get me to writing. Love you all, hope you enjoy this!

Sang POV:

"When would you like to come by the gallery to pick up the willow piece and see more of my work?" Gabriel asked me. His crystal eyes pleading me to answer sometime soon.

"Well I open every morning this week, when will you be in studio? Maybe we can plan something for late afternoon next weekend?"

"Yes, that is f***ing perfect! I hate mornings anyways so I'm not normally in until 11am." Gabe responded while pulling out his phone so we could exchange numbers to make a plan for later on. I grabbed his phone once he had unlocked it and his home screen was a photo of one of my favorite pieces by him. It was the four shadows hidden behind a dark sheet of glass, the only thing that is able to be made out is the colors of the little boys' eyes. The same crystal blue as Gabriels. It shows the pain and the passion in the work, the chaos of lost loved ones, the love that he holds for those that he lost, and the heartbreak that is inevitable no matter how much you seem to not care for them. I got a sense of dislike for the older male figure, kindness for the two female figures and love for the little boy, he was the hardest to let go of, to accept that he was gone.

Finding the right buttons to add my contact information I click a quick photo of myself, and then change Owens name from Mr. B to Owie Bear, just to mess with him.

Finishing up this transaction I look around the room again and see the tallest out of the bunch, Silas or Superman as I dubbed him, stand up from being with North. He looks over at me with tears just hovering to be set free in his deep brown, almost black, soulful eyes. " Geiá sou ómorfi" He says to me in Greek. I only know it's Greek from the tonation of it, I sadly do not know it. I give him my imitation of Owen's one eyebrow lift and fail miserably by lifting both my eyebrows. Laughing with a joyous smile on his face Silas translates it for me, "Hello beautiful, is what I said."

"Hi there," I said with a small wave and a slight smile. That smile looks so familiar I'm just not sure where I have seen it, I know it's not from the dinner I would have gladly remembered him.

"What did one hat say to the other?" Silas asked me with a dead serious look on his handsome face. He waited a few moments, "You stay here I'll go on a head."

I giggled not because the joke but the way he told it and looked so serious, "What is the difference between a Hippo and a zippo," I asked him, and he just shook his head with no answer but dimples galore within his smile, "ones really heavy and the other is a little lighter." I told him with a smile on my face. And his boisterous laugh which made butterflies erupt in my belly, could not hide the sadness and pain in his eyes, the same pain I saw with Lily on the dock of Charleston.

I saw him on the dock in the boat Tragoúdi tis Thálassas, or Song of the Sea. There was a sadness and pain that I could relate to on his face. It was when Lily and her four husbands invited me to go out sailing with them on their boat, The Melody. Lily caught me looking at the boat and nudged me hinting she knew something was up and couldn't hide it from her. Yet I just shrugged it off and just enjoyed the day with them. Passing back by the boat on the way off the dock I ended up craning my neck backwards trying to find a glimpse of the handsome stranger. And ended up falling in the water and having Henry fish me out with a laugh.

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