Chapter 8

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Hey Ya'll I know it's been forever sorry! Life got in the way and school got busy! But hey look a new update, I hope you enjoy it, don't forget to like and comment it makes me want to write even more when I know someone likes what I have!

Owens POV:

Holding Sang while hearing Norths declaration to the team about how far he had fallen and that my darling had helped him back to see the light that was so dearly needed. Feeling her small body pressed up against mine shaking with sobs that lessen just so I whisper down to her while stroking her hair, "Sang it's ok, you're ok, shhhh, you're not there anymore. You have a chosen family too, in me, in Harrison and Lily, in so many people at the Diner. They would notice you missing." Swaying back in forth in a comforting motion I continue to whisper into her hair that was so many different shades of blonde I know that once Gabe gets a hold of it there will be no hope. "Everything is going to be ok love. I will make sure of it. But you have to breathe, ok?" I tell her while maintaining eye contact with her, grabbing her hand to bring to my chest to steady her with my heartbeat. "Breath in with me. Good, now breath out with me. You're doing great love." I repeat this a few times until her racking sobs are now just quite little hiccups.

"Than-thank you, Owen, I don-n't know what I would do without you." she hiccups into my sweater that is definitely going to need dry cleaning after this morning.

"Anytime Darling, anytime," Smiling down at her with an unguarded smile, fighting the urge to wipe away the tears that stained her perfect face.

Watching her look around the room I notice all of the boys are staring at us like they can't believe what just happened. She starts to look uncomfortable and raises her sleeve to wipe away the tears. Looking towards North she waves her small delicate hand, "Hi there, long time no see,"

"Gentlemen let me formally introduce Sang, Ms. Sorenson meet my family," Nodding in the direction of each guy as I name them off, "North Taylor, Silas Korba, Nathan Griffin, Kota Lee, Victor Morgan, Luke Taylor," I can tell she is about to interrupt when I see the question in her eyes at the name Taylor matching two of the guys. I respond with a small smile, "yes they are related they can explain if they want to. And last but certainly not least, is Gabriel Coleman." I finish with a flourish towards our family Drama King.

"Hi guys, it's nice to meet Y'all," she responds with a small wave and a shy smile. I notice all of the guys respond except Luke, he's off in his own world. I need to talk with him to see what's been going on he's been doing that more and more recently and I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed.

Luke once came to me telling me about why he retreats into his head so much. He started to retreat to his daydreams to protect his mind when he realizes he had a dad who never wanted him but raised two men, North and Silas, who he felt like he was constantly being compared to between Uncle and myself. I let him know that I never compared him to anyone but his past self which he has only improved. And that I bet if he brings this up to Uncle he wouldn't even give it a second thought. Coming back to the conversation I hear Sang rambling, trying to stop my chuckle from bubbling out I give her a look to let her know. When she still doesn't look up at me I poke her in the ribs with the arm that is still circled around her back.

She looked up at me with thanks in her gorgeous green eyes. Giving her a small smile to let her know that she is most welcome, I hear Luke almost shout, "Wait really! I missed out on meeting you! I need to stop dreaming..." as he faded into another day dream. Feeling Sang tilt her head to the side a bit with a questioning look at Luke I would give anything to have to power to read her mind.


Sang POV:

Looking around the room at all the men here I do see some familiarities. Seeing the Blush on Kota's face from being caught staring at me, I remember a few months back I was at the store on the other side of town, only because they are the only ones who carry the Watermelon, orange and strawberry juice that I love!

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