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All of the precepts apart from Overhaul were sent flying. They all tried getting to their feet, but they were all knocked out cold before they could stand up straight.

All that was left was Overhaul. Izuku got into a stance while Overhaul remained standing straight with his arms behind his back.

They stared eachother down for about a minute before Izuku shot himself forward. He had his left arm up to his face just in case Chisaki were to counter punch. But...


Chisaki didn't move. His head and entire body remained in place as if Izuku had never hit him at all. Izuku pulled back and got into defensive stance as he tried coming up with a plan B.

"My turn" Overhaul said before he lunged forward and punched Izuku hard in the gut, so hard that Izuku threw up blood and was sent back a few meters.

Luckily Izuku had firmly planted his feet on the ground, so he didn't fall on his back thus preventing the possible chance of crushing Eri under his weight.

Izuku wiped the blood off of his mouth with his arm, but he suddenly felt an immense pain in every single part of his body.

Overhaul started laughing maniacally.

"I made a few upgrades to myself since I figured this would happen. I ended up coating my entire skeleton with Endurium in its purest form, which is over 2 times stronger than normal Endurium. Apart from that, I managed to switch out my quirk thanks to our advanced genetics research. Now since I managed to make physical contact with you, I can put your body under severe levels of pain and stress until you eventually tire out and die."

Izuku fell to his knees and he groaned in pain. Eri tried using her quirk to try and help him, but it didn't help at all. He told her to run to his classmates, which she followed.

Then Overhaul started walking closer to a downed Izuku, who was know trembling in pain. He stopped when he was right in front of him and looked down on him.

"Any last words?" Overhaul asked

Suddenly Overhaul noticed Izuku was somehow emiting smoke. Then Izuku slowly got up and opened his eyes. And thats when Chisaki noticed a difference, part of Izuku's hair changed its color to black and black smoke was coming from Izuku's mouth.

Then Izuku glared at Overhaul. And then when Izuku opened his mouth....

Chisaki was engulfed in a blazing inferno

Izuku Midoriya: One Punch [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now