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The ride was a bit awkward at first until Eri started a conversation with Uraraka. Izuku was busy looking out the window until he saw a familiar street.

It was the street of his mothers new apartment building. Izuku went and tapped the window blocking the driver's area. The window rolled down to reveal Principal Nezu and a driver.

"Hey can we make a stop for a minute? My mom lives down the street."

"Okay" Nezu replied.

The car came to a stop and Izuku opened the door.

"I'll be back" Izuku said to both girls before exiting the car.

He entered the building and went to the front desk. He asked the person at the desk the room number of his mom.

"Room 114, 5th floor"

Izuku thanked the man before making his way to the room door. He took a breath before knocking on the door. Be was surprised at the person who answered the door. There stood Inko Midoriya, except no longer the chubby woman that she's been. She was now slender and had regained her looks from before she became a mom. Granted ever since Izuku graduated from his previous school before UA Inko had been hitting the gym as well as changimg her diet.

Inko was wide eyed before she hugged her son.

"Oh Izuku I was so worried about you!" She exclaimed as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"It's okay now mom. I'm fine now!" Izuku reassured.

They spent the next ten minutes catching up before Izuku had to leave to go back to UA. They had one last hug and goodbye before Izuku left the building and had continued his trip back to UA.

After thirty more minutes of driving they had entered the gates of UA and parked in fromt of the dorm entrance. Izuku left Eri with Uraraka as he made his way to his room to take a nice long refreshing shower while greeting the classmates he ran into on the way. He got into his room and locked the door before entering his room's bathroom for a bath.

He took his time both washing himself and changing into jis clothes. He exited his room and entered the common living area to answer any of the questions his classmates had for him. And boy was there a lot. After answering all the questions he went back to his room to catch up on the two months of school that he had missed in record time. He had fully memorized everything in under two hours. Then he exited the dorms to go to one of the city districts in the campus to try and practice his newfound quirk more.

Izuku Midoriya: One Punch [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now