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Izuku had arrived at the city district to practice on his new quik. He was curious about it a lot. After all this time he had the possibility of having his father's quirk, but going through indescribable levels of pain just so you could breathe fire isn't exactly justified.

So for the first hour he was having a rather hard time. All he really knew was how to turn it on and off. But after a few more minutes he could now shoot fireballs instead of simple streams of fire. And after a little experiment with adjusting the strength of the flames as well as proper timing of turning it on and off, he developed a technique that allowed him to create a makeshift smokescreen which could help him in all kinds  of situations.

After a few more minutes of practicing, he called it a day and headed back to the dorms. He entered to see the class playing with Eri in the common room. He payed them no mind as he slipped away to the kitchen area and opened the fridge to make himself a glass of milk. He took a glass and filled it up before gulping the white dairy liquid down his throat. He put the milk jug back in the fridge before grabbing some eggs, butter and a pan. He went to the stove and layed the pan on top of the open burner before taking a bit of butter and putting it on the hot pan. Izuku was making two dishes. Pancakes for Eri (since it was one of her favorite foods) and scrambled eggs for everyone else. Eventually the class noticed the smell of Izuku's cooking so Kirishima carried Eri on his shoulders and the whole class went to the kitchen to see what was going on. They were all surprised to see that Midoriya had prepared all of them plates of scrambled eggs and had even prepared Gohan (Japanese steamed white rice) and Katsudon. They all helped themselves while Eri carefully got off of Kirishima and headed to Izuku. She stopped at hos side and likely tugged his shirt. He looked down at her and smiled. He showed her a plate with a stack of pancakes on it. Eri smiled so big before taking the plate and grabbing a spoon and fork and hastily ran back to the living room to enjoy her meal.

Everyone was shocked at what they were tasting. All of the food was cooked perfectly. No one even knew that Izuku could cook, let alone preparing a small feast.

Izuku then smirked as an idea popped into his head. He ran out of the dorm building and dashed off of the school grounds pnly being gone for about 30 seconds before re-entering the dorm building with two grocery bags. He plopped them on the dining table before opening the bags to reveal tubs of ice cream. Everyone smiled and all got a bowl and spoons for their desert. Izuku had already made a bowl for himself and Eri as he walked up to jer and gave her the bowl. They happily finished their deserts before they put their dishes in the kitchen sink for Izuku to probably wash them later in the early morning. He then noticed Eri yawned and rubbed her eyes. So they went back to the far side of the living room away from all the people where Izuku prepared pillows and a blanket. Eri lied down on the prepared sofa before she was tucked in. Then Izuku started telling her a bedtime story which he based off of a rough part of his childhood. The entire class noticed what Izuku was doing and they all went quite and silently 'awweeed' at the sight. And they too quietly crept into the living room to listen to Izuku's story. But one person in particular was bothered by Izuku's tale. Katsuki Bakugou.

Bakugou had immediately recognized the story as he could recall it from the many times he had bullied Izuku back when they were still little kids. For once Bakugou felt sorry for what he did all those years ago. The explosive boy didn't want to jear anymore of Izuku's story so he went up to his room.

At this point Eri was almost fully asleep. So Izuku put an ending to his story thus succesfully putting little Eri to sleep before heading up to his room for a final shower before putting himself to sleep, leaving the class amazed at how Izuku had the makings of a great parent and while having his immense power.

Izuku Midoriya: One Punch [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now