BTS Reaction - when they're the sub (HYUNG LINE)

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Kim Seokjin

The softest sigh of pleasure escapes Jin's lips as you trail yours along the slope of his neck, caressing his skin with every lingering kiss. He's never one to be particularly noisy, but you can tell from the way his hands are kneading into your fleshy curves that he's enjoying all of the attention he's being lavished with, quiet or not.

"Jinnie," you murmur against his shoulder, rolling your hips to grind against the bulge in his pants and delighting in the way his breath hitches. Nothing gives you more pleasure than making Jin fall apart under your touch, and it takes little more than the feel of his abdominals shuddering under your fingertips to make your core start to throb with want. "Remember what we talked about a couple weeks ago, Jinnie?"

"Hmm?" he murmurs half-heartedly, flopping his head to the side to allow you even greater access to his throat as you continue to pepper kisses along it.

"About spicing things up a little bit?" Suddenly you have his full attention, turning back to face you with opened eyes, his hands stilling on your hips. You watch as the smallest of creases appear between Jin's eyebrows and the way he pauses to lick his lips before speaking, seemingly hesitant.

"I don't really like the idea of being rough with you, Jagi..." His eyes flick between yours, trying to gauge whether his rebuttal of your previous request is making you upset. "I don't want to call you names or... or hurt you." Honestly, you'd been expecting him to say this anyway. The first time you'd mentioned him taking a more dominant position in the bedroom he'd seemed less than keen on the idea, and even though he'd promised to think about it, you knew his answer would still be no the next time you asked. That's why you've come armed with another suggestion this time, the thought of which intrigues you just as much as the last.

You lean down on your elbows either side of Jin's head, looking down into his deep brown eyes with small smile.

"What about if I take the lead instead?" you propose quietly. You don't wait to witness Jin's reaction, leaning down to kiss him leisurely instead, giving him time to mull it over.

"You?" he murmurs against your lips, his hands slipping down from your hips to your behind, giving you a squeeze.

"Me," you confirm, pulling away and sitting up, looking down from where you're sat astride his lips. It's difficult to read Jin's expression or thoughts about the idea - but at least he doesn't look so immediately negative as he did last time. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course." His answer is automatic, without even a hint of doubt; a reminder of just how much Jin loves you and how lucky you are to have him.

You strip yourself of your blouse under Jin's watchful eyes, smiling at the way his Adam's apple bobs in his throat as his gaze shamelessly drifts over the swell of your breasts. As soon as it's off of your body you fold it into a makeshift blindfold, and though Jin initially looks a little confused, he soon realises what you're intending to do as you lean forward and lay it gently across his eyes.

His natural reaction is to pull away, twisting his face away, but when you utter a soft 'trust me' Jin suddenly stills, letting you apply the blindfold and secure it tightly behind his head. The quickening of his breath is almost instantaneous, though you don't pass comment on it.

"Can you see me?" you ask quietly, climbing off of his hips to kneel between his open legs, slipping your hands down his naked chest and watching with satisfaction at the way all his muscles jump at your touch.

"No," he answers huskily, and after that you remain completely silent, letting Jin's panting breaths fill the room. You undo his belt and pants deftly, pulling them off along with his boxers, and Jin's hips instinctively thrust up into nothing as the cold air hits his cock. It's already weeping with anticipation, laying thick and heavy against his stomach, and although every instinct is telling you to climb back on top of him and put it to good use, you force yourself to focus solely on his pleasure instead, dipping your head to start licking and kissing your way up the inside of his thighs.

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