8: Rust

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8: Rust

ARRIVING HOME LATER that night, Rosalie couldn't help but notice how quickly the hours seemed to fly by when she was in Elijah's company. Heading straight upstairs, she could hear her older brother on the phone in his room with whom she suspected was their other sibling. Not wanting to be interrogated at this late hour, Rosalie made a beeline for her room.

Collapsing on her bed and curling up, she dragged a blanket over her with no effort to actually take her clothes off and get ready for sleep.

This was the position Damon found her in after hanging up on Stefan and hearing his sister arrive back home. Needless to say, he was not happy she had left with the original who had evidently saved them both from another wolf attack.

He leaned against the door frame to his sister's room, watching her try to fall asleep where she was. The female could sense he was there but didn't open her eyes or say anything, not wanting to discuss what she knew Damon would ask about. Was it too much for him to just let her sleep?

"I know you're not asleep."

Rosalie couldn't help but sigh, knowing he wouldn't leave her be.

"And I know I want to go to sleep, so please leave."

Damon rolled his eyes before making his way over to her and perching on the edge of her bed.

"Nope, I believe we were put on this earth to annoy each other so that's exactly what I'll be doing." He smirked at her as she cracked open one eye to look up at him in irritation.

"Damon," she groaned holding her blanket closer to her, "get out."

"I would rather know what happened today between you and 'Mr Suitaholic.'"

"Just get out, I'm not going to tell you anything tonight." Or anytime soon, Rosalie thought to herself.

Damon stood up with a huff and headed towards the door, if his sister was anything, it was stubborn.

"Take your boots off at least, they're nice bedsheets I bought you."

Rosalie sat up and dramatically unzipped her boots before chucking them at Damon, giving him a sarcastic smile whilst he shot her a dirty look.


"Not in the slightest," he muttered before exiting her room, leaving the Salvatore sister in peace.


Damon decided to drag his sister to the Mystic Grill with him, to meet up with the vampire-friendly vampire hunter in town. They were planning on catching up with what was going on and what plan could be made to deal with their current situation.

The eldest Salvatore was not happy with the fact Elena had to die, in order for them to kill the psychopathic vampire coming for them. He knew there were other ways to ensure Elena could live after, but everyone else in Mystic Falls seemed to be against the most obvious solution, including the doppelgänger herself.

The vampire also wasn't happy with the original's obvious interest in his sister. It wasn't like Rosalie was telling him anything about their private talks when he whisked her away in a blur.

Entering the Grill, he spotted Alaric sporting a deep frown and made his way over to his friend with a glance to his sister by his side, who was currently deeply focused on texting someone.

Rosalie had replied to her texts from Diego and Thierry finally, and both had given her a hard time for not messaging back sooner, despite the fact they had heard from Marcel that she was alright and not dead due to a pack of angry wolves.

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