Chapter 5

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Emily ^^

Emily Pov

Right after that "interesting" lunch the rest of my normal classes passed by pretty quickly, and before I knew it, it was the last class of the day and by far the most looked forward to one for me, even though I had my mom as my teacher. See since this is pretty much a supernatural school they have classes for the supernatural students so they can learn how to control themselves and learn how to handle certain things in a certain way, example I'm a witch, so I go to a class that helps with learning proper spells and how to say proper pronunciations and such, cause YES it matters how you pronounce the words for the spells. The classes are also to help teach the students how to interact in the human world and keep their supernatural selves in control. I was excited for this class for two reasons, one, I get to learn more about witch history, and two I could find more of my coven, I was a little worried about tonight and wondered if Miss-I mean Selena, had talked to my mom. Oh boy just thinking her name caused a small reaction that I didn't know how to deal with, I hope I can get answers tonight though. I walked into the classroom and gave my mom a soft smile, she grinned at me and motioned me to her, "So Selena spoke to me, it seems you've found your first coven member, now I know you're confused so we'll talk about this at home and I'll try to explain what's happening okay?" I smiled at my mom and gave her a hug not caring that I was getting stares, I loved my mom and I was not afraid to show it, I pulled back and went to take a seat. Once everyone was present mom started the lesson, and the class just passed by, but not like the rest of my classes, no this class went by too fast and had me wanting to rewind time, I managed to make a few new friends but sadly none of them were members of my coven, I was sad but at the same time okay cause I didn't think I could handle any more of this without knowing what the hell was going on.

As I was walking out of the school I heard my name followed by hands once again wrapping around my waist, but this time I didn't try and break her arm, she turned until her face was in my neck and she let out a breath and OH. MY. LORD. I wanted to end her. My body ALMOST gave me away, I shoved her away so fast I gave myself whiplash, and then proceeded to punch and slap her arm while yelling at her, "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN, MY LORD, YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST ANNOYING PEOPLE I HAVE EVER MET, DO YOU NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF PERSONAL SPACE?" I was fuming mad and I could feel the swell of magical energy coming off me in waves, any supernatural attuned to magical energy would know how close I was right now. I was breathing in and out trying to find my center and ground myself, but for some reason, it wasn't working, I began to panic and that only made things worse. I saw Ava and she looked pale, and at that moment she must have know what she had done, she crossed a line and now there was no guarantee that I would be able to come back down, the energy inside me only kept swelling it was like there was no end to it I had never felt this before and I was scared. Right at the point where I thought I'd explode I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I turned and it was Selena she smiled at me then said something that had me confused, "I'm sorry Emily, I'll explain after but you need to breathe and focus on me okay focus on my presence, I'm here my Princeps." She then leaned in and did something that I'll never be able to forget, she kissed me and it wasn't just a peck, it was a sensual kiss that lovers would share. I did as she said and put all my focus on her I allowed myself to relax and focus on her scent and how her lips felt against mine after a few seconds the energy was calm and I could breathe again, except Selena was still KISSING ME and I didn't know what to do, part of me was reveling in the fact that this gorgeous woman was kissing me, but another part was telling me to stop this, and I listened to that part. I gently pushed Selena away from me, and we were both still trying to catch our breath, she smiled at me and my heart did a weird thing. There was a cough and I turned and looked at Ava she had her head down and I knew at that moment she didn't mean for that to happen, in the span of this day I learned that Ava was a free spirit and she was like that with all her friends, It's not her fault I didn't have a good experience in the past, and I shouldn't take it out on her. I just gave her a genuine smile, "Hey it's okay, I'm sorry I just had a bad experience in the past that makes me jumpy is all and when you blew on my neck well...yeah don't ever do that again or I. will. end. you." She looked up and smiled back at me she then proceeded to apologize to me for like 5 mins, until Selena made her stop and go home cause we needed to leave too. Selena told me that my mom had already left and that she would take me home so we could talk, the whole car ride was quiet I was trying to wrap my head around what had happened. I had never been unable to control my magical energy before, why wasn't I able to this time why did Selena kissing me help me gain control? Damn all these questions in my head are giving me a headache. When we got home I rushed into the house and straight to my room to change knowing Selena would tell my mom EVERYTHING that had happened. When I came downstairs mom had made hot chocolate which she only made when she knew I wasn't going to like what she told me. I took a mug and looked at the two women in the living room, "Okay someone explain now, I think my head is going to explode if you don't," I sat down and just waited for them to speak when my mom finally did I was shocked and confused but I knew I could trust Selena no matter what and that was all that mattered.

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