Chapter 3

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Emily's Pov

As I walked into the building I was greeted by the normal loud annoying sounds of hormonal teenagers. I took in the white walls of the hallway, and the many lockers with students meandering around them, as I walked in it seems that all eyes were on me, great, just great I DO NOT need this bullshit right now, I thought as I made my way to the office to receive my schedule, locker number, and the combo for said locker. As I made my way out of the office the most cliche thing happened, I walked into someone and my bag fell off my shoulder the same time that all of her stuff flew all over the floor, and my ass hit the ground. I looked up at the girl and met soft blue eyes, "Oh no I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going, here let me help you up," the girl said as she reached her hand out to me, I just gave her a look and ignored her hand, and instead began to pick up her stuff for her. She looked confused and hurt for a second at my refusal of her hand, but then it quickly dawned on her that her stuff was on the floor and I had just picked it up for her, I handed her stuff to her, "Look don't worry about it, it's not the first time I've been knocked to the ground on accident and I imagine it won't be the last. Accidents happen you just have to accept it and move on, now if you excuse me I don't want to be late for my first class on my first day." I said all this and just walked away with a wave and didn't even bother with asking her name or anything else, I just wanted to get this day over with and leave this hellish place.

Ava Pov

I woke up to my sister Alex flopping on top of me in an attempt to wake me up, I let out a groan and tried to shove her off of me emphasize tried, "It's time to get up Lin, you've got school today, isn't Toni coming to pick you up at 7:30?" Alex just kept laying on top of my back and not letting me get up or go back to sleep. "Yes, she said she'd be here at 7:30 so that we could have enough time to stop for breakfast at Rachel's cafe," I said while trying to burrow under my covers to escape the cruel world. I felt Alex shift her weight on my back and get off me, and I heard her footsteps heading towards the door, "Well then you better get your lazy ass up, it's 7:15 and we both know Toni doesn't like to be kept waiting." She said as she left, it took me TWO seconds to fully register what she had said, and I was out of bed and running to my bathroom yelling "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST THROW WATER ON ME, I WOULD HAVE RATHER YOU DONE THAT THEN JUMP ON ME, YOU KNOW THAT ONLY WORK SOMETIMES, AND WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER, RIN I HATE YOU SOMETIMES!" I jumped in the shower and took the SHORTEST shower in the history of my showers, and ran out to throw some random clothes on. I didn't even have time to care if I looked presentable or not, Alex was right Toni does not like to be kept waiting, she's the type of girl that if she says be here at this time, your ass had better be there or face her wrath. I grabbed my school stuff and a brush for my mop of hair, and made my way downstairs, right as mama opened the door and there stood Toni in all her 5-foot glory. Yes Toni was 5 foot, but DO NOT be fooled by her height I've seen her put a 6'3 guy on the ground and beat him into submission, she's a scary person to piss off, and she's been my best friend since we were in preschool she knows me better then anyone, the only person above her is Alex. Speaking of my older sister she's just sitting at the table with mom and smirking at me, sometimes I just wanted to throttle her but that's just how we are with each other, and I know she'll have my back no matter what. Alex and I were closer then my other siblings, with most of them being twins and us not having a twin we kinda just bonded as if we were twins. Blake and Owen were in their senior year of high school and already looking at colleges they want to attend, they were your typical jock type tall, dark, and handsome football players, but they were also the best big brothers we could have and Lord knows we're going to need to help each other this year in keeping the girls out of trouble, but after they graduate It'll be up to me and Toni to keep them in line. "Hey Toni, I didn't know you were picking up Ava today, you guys going to eat at Rachel's cafe?" Mia asked as she walked into the kitchen followed by Kya, well speak of the preteen drama queens, don't get me wrong I love all of my siblings, but the girls could be quite the handful and it's hard to deal with them sometimes. I just shook my head, it also didn't help that we had nothing in common really, they were formal and I was casual, them makeup, me only if people paid me. We also didn't look alike, they looked more like mama with blond hair and blue-green eyes and had mama's slim slightly curvy body type. Alex, Blake, Owen, and I all looked more like mom, we all had darker hair mine and Owen's hair is a darker brown almost black, and Blake and Alex had raven black hair, all of our eyes were a different variations of blue mine was light blue, Alex's was cobalt, and Blake and Owen both had baby blue eyes, and We all like to work out as well so it's safe to say we're in shape. I finally looked down at Toni and her hazel eyes met my light blue ones, and it was suddenly like a small blot of electricity had gone through my body and my wolf Ryne perked up and I could swear her tail started to wag. What the hell just happened Ryne, please don't tell me that Toni's our Mate. I asked my wolf, I hear her whimper slightly, "Why don't you want her as our Mate, she's perfect for us," I let out a small breath, She's more like our sister, we've known each other since we were kids, she knows things about me that I wish she didn't. I forced myself to look back at Toni and take a deep breath, "Hey so let's go we're going to run late if we don't hurry," I said as I made my way out the door and to Toni's car trying to ignore Ryne and the feeling I had earlier.

We sat in silence for the first half of the car ride until Toni just couldn't handle the silence anymore, "Okay so how was your first shift I wish I could have been here for you during that, and how was your summer we didn't really get to talk much with me being out of state at my grandparents house learning about how to be a proper fairy and such. Are you ready for our junior year, are you ready for softball and track?" Toni asked her questions in a slight rush as if scared I might stop her or something, I couldn't help but laugh at her, she gave me a look that said "Why are you laughing at me you fool" I just looked at her and took in just how much she's changed. Her dirty blonde hair was longer coming down to her mid-back, and her skin tone has darkened a bit from her white cream to a darker cream, it made me want to taste her and see if she tasted as sweet as she looked...WAIT WHAT THE FUCK NO, I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT,

I'm Fucked.

I might be Mates with my best friend who I've NEVER thought of in that way EVER.

I just sigh and give Toni a smile, "Don't worry about not being here, if I'm honest I wouldn't have wanted you there cause it hurts a lot with the first shift, and I wouldn't have wanted you to freak out or panic, the summer was eventful to say the least I made a few new friends and fuck buddies, yes and no I'm ready for junior year, yes cause it's one more year till graduation, and no cause Blake and Owen graduate this year and that means we have to watch over the preteen drama queens next year, yes I'm ready for softball and track I mean come on I am one of the best players on the team. Right since you just got to question the fuck out of me I get to do the same once we get in Rachel's and sit down for food." I answered all her questions in the time it took to get to Rachel's cafe, I noticed she winced at the mention of fuck buddies and Ryne whined at the thought of hurting her but it was a part of who I am, I've become a bit of a player over this summer although finding my mate would help with that. I got out of the car and opened the door for Toni like the gentlewoman that I am, and even opened the door to the cafe for her as well. We took our place at our normal table and just spent the time catching up with each other, turns out that even though she's half-fairy Toni still has wings, I asked if I could see them sometime and she said I could only see them if she could see Ryne I said okay and we made an agreement to do a show and tell this weekend. Once we were done eating we made our way to the school we were a little late but it's normal for us, once we got there Toni and I were swarmed by our friends all wanting to catch up, we all chatted for a bit then decided to head into the school, as we were walking by the office I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and suddenly bumped into someone coming out of the office my first reaction was to apologize and help the girl with deep forest green eyes up, but she just ignored my offer of help which hurt not gonna lie, but I the realized why when she gave me my stuff that had fallen all over the place, I took in what she said and watched her walk away without a glance back and I just had a feeling that I needed to be friends with her and get to know her, not in a romantic way, in a platonic way, and in that moment I made it my mission to befriend that girl.

Right so this was a lot, and I'm sorry for not posting more today, I was sick and slept most of the day away, and spent the rest writing this for you wonderful people who are reading this, what do you guys think so far? What do you think about the characters, anything you think I should add to the story to help you guys out, any questions? Don't be afraid to ask I'll try to answer the best I can.

Updated 11/4/2019

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